Thursday 29 August 2024

Arcadia: a gathering of my hosts

 Inspired by Ross’s blog l went to my old school ancient box and decided to rebase-

The hoplites waiting to get their feet wet to remove them from flocked bases. Also need to mix up the colour of their tunics a bit , not to mention their plumes and maybe do some basic shield designs. Even my scrawls will be better than plain ones.

Hoplites drying their feet and sandals as they prepare for the next part of the process…
Wee bit light reading as they dry to put me in the mood.
Some rebasing done, move from 60mm by 40mm to 60mm square. Just looks a tad better to me , don’t know why. 
Flock free based , works for me. Move pictures anon as work proceeds…
Finally a link to a video- 


  1. Agree with you on the bases. The 40mm deep ones look harder to pick up with the spears overhanging more.
    I enjoyed the video. Thanks. It’s given me a yearning to pack away the musketeers and paint some hoplites.

  2. Lovely old figures and inspirational reading - et in Arcadia ego

  3. They look good! I am using larger bases, helps protect overhanging spears etc. Especially pike blocks, I put them on deep bases, for medieval etc, with casualties etc under to decorate the base. There are lots of nice modern ranges,however I like the older designs. Nostalgia? I have 20,000 older figures, and most of the older ranges, 50 years later, can still be bought. I have copied Ross, have painted nearly 400 Airfix ACW this month.
