Thursday 11 January 2024

Ice etc

The day started badly. I went out before 09:00 to buy cards and ended up falling on black ice. Fortunately l did  little damage (apart from to my dignity ) to myself but went home immediately to change , feeling rather shaken by things. More shaken than l cared to admit to myself l sat quietly drinking tea for some time.I hate black ice having knocked myself out for a few seconds on some early one morning over twenty years ago on my way to work. I never really regained confidence ( if I had any in the first place) after that.

Anyway G came over with  laptops, monitor etc . The idea was to have a go at Ardennes a board game but played on a computer- 

We were really just trying to get our head round it but I have to say I was rather impressed. The information was presented well visually and I  found it both fascinating and challenging.

We will definitely continue with this.

The other night I started watching Hornblower  from episode one and am quite enjoying it . Master and Commander it ain’t but diverting nevertheless.


  1. I'm glad to hear the only damage was to your dignity. I have known too many people who got badly injured from slipping on ice.
    Makes one wonder about that Russian Battle on the Ice. Yikes!

    1. Thanks. I really abhor the ice, love walking in snow but ice is a big no, no.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Nothing worse than the dreaded black ice, my better half came down with a thump on Tuesday, fortunately just a scraped knee but horrible just the same.

    1. Hope your better half hasn’t been put off too much by her experience and is feeling better now.
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Thats a hazard I dont miss at all! Here, we have other issues - a friends 14 year old daughter spent all day in the sea and lying on the beach, sans any protection - the result being literally first degree burning, her eyes closed to slits and enormous blisters on her cheeks and shoulders!
    The PC game looks good - that's a genre I tried once or twice 20+ years ago but apart from X Boc first shooter stuff like Call of Duty, I have not played anything like that for at least two decades!

    1. What an awful thing for your friend’s daughter. I’m always thought sun protection was second nature where you are. I don’t do computer gaming at all but was interested in this as offering the best of board games without the hassle it can be. No recording where counters are for the next session or flicking through rules to the nth degree.
      Alan Tradgardland

  4. Sorry to hear of your fall. The board game look complicated.

    1. Thanks, it is but just takes some effort to get used to. The visuals at the bottom help you to focus on what the counter represents, which is helpful. It was a leaning session but l think the game is worth it.
      Alan Tradgardland

  5. Tradgardmastare p,

    Sorry to read about your fall. As one gets older, one doesn’t seem to bounce as well as one did when one was younger. I fell over in my garden back in October and still have the marks on my right knee when I lost the skin.

    At least you didn’t suffer any serious physical injury. Black ice is a real b*gg*r. I drove over some yesterday whilst going up a steep hill … and the car skidded. Luckily, I didn’t hit anything, but I easily could have done so.

    Keep safe,


    1. Vexed to hear of your black ice car encounter, awful. By the way l am really enjoying your foray into railway modelling, it looks great.
      Alan Tradgardland

  6. Take care, Alan. This getting older thing ain't fun. And it's about to get much colder!!!

  7. I will Ronnie and know what you mean.
    Alan Tradgardland

  8. Sorry to hear about your spill. I have some horrendous slips as I am out early in the morning with dogs. I buy Skecher walking shoes and they are good and grippy.

  9. Glad to hear you didn't break anything in your fall. Hopefully tea and a game restored you a bit.

    Interesting on the Ardennes game. I must go look for it. The Battle of the Bulge has been a long term favourite of mine and I have 13 different boardgames on the topic. Last December I played 3 Bulge games with an old friend as our tradition of anniversary games.

