Wednesday 17 January 2024


 It is very cold currently in the Duchy, colder than I have known it for sometime. I was out very briefly this morning-

Beautiful under the heavy frost. It is not to last many more days…
In other news little is happening on the hobby front. I have eczema and managed to get an infection into my left hand. It went swollen and very painful quickly and I am glad I got antibiotics when I did. The result is I am not really able to paint or kitbash currently. Hopefully this will change over the next few days. I got the Turnip 28 rules printed and am reading them.
In other news due my my vacillating l was too late to get on a course this term. They were full sadly. A bit of a disappointment but there it is. I am thinking what to do with the extra time..
Finally with Charge games coming up and noting the current events in Denmark l wonder if it is time for a new ruler for 18th Century Tradgardland…


  1. Is the Duke considering abdicating ?
    As a fellow eczema sufferer I feel for you - I worked out that dairy products were the cause, so as long as I'm careful (moderate cheese intake) I can control it!

  2. Be careful out there, and hope that you are better soon

  3. We can chat on Saturday about the first game!

  4. Looking forward to seeing the charge games.

  5. Eczema sounds nasty, hope it clears quickly. Time spent in preparation and planning is always good. I've only ever played charge using the basic rules at the start, I've never had the time or money to build the full size regiments (or Grant sized regiments) and with all the individual die rolling and moving the figures they must have taken days to play a battle.

  6. Ouch! That sounds painful. Hope it clears up soon Alan.
