Sunday 28 January 2024

When two tribes go to warre

 With forthcoming hostilities with the Duke of Albion just around the corner l thought l ought to get some command figures ready for the battle-

To the left is Duke Erik, Duke of East Tradgardland, influenced in military fashion by Russia.
To the right is Duke Karl, Duke of West Tradgardland, influenced in military fashion by the Kingdom of Sweden. He is accompanied by his beloved hound Dorey.
Whilst the forthcoming battle has brought these two men together in order to defend greater Tradgardland , they may fall out again in the future and civil war remains a potentially. Only time will tell…


  1. The pair look confrontational in that second picture. I look forward to their story.

    1. Are they or are they just purposeful eighteenth century rulers about to invade or be invaded?
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Interesting and characterful figures. Is there any more news of Denmark style changes of monarch looming?

    1. Thank you. No word on in the broadsheets , we will find out if and when in due course…
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Fabulous! Looking forward to seeing them.
    I think that it might be appropriate to base the terrain on Blasthof Heath. Maybe we should wear shirts, ties and sports jackets too!

    1. A good plan re terrain. As for wargaming fashion I fear my Sixties Wargamer renenactment costume is at the dry cleaner sadly.
      Alan Tradgardland

  4. I love the style of uniform with the top hat, popular at one time with British units, definitely makes it a gentlemen's war. And ronniec - do you mean you don't routinely do so, I'm shocked, shocked and horrified!

    1. Quite right, Brian, I've let standards slip but, hey. I still use gloss varnish and untextured bases!

    2. The uniforms are distinctive and stylish if a tad comic opera ( which is why I like them) and suit the imagination vibe completely.Perhaps we need a dress code for the VWC ? 😂
      Alan Tradgardland

  5. I’ll defend Ronnie’s use of old school basing ( felt is uber old school imho) and shiny happy glossy varnish.
    Alan Tradgardland

  6. All my 42mm and many of my 54mm are gloss varnished and plain bases, along with my 'S' range minifigs but lots of my figures are matt varnished and scenic bases - I enjoy three-layer painting figures and they need a matt varnish but 42mm really suit a simple paint job and gloss. Horses for courses really.

  7. Indeed, Brian. My small collection of WWll stuff is matt/textured. I'm currently having sleepless nights debating whether my Romans should be gloss or matt!

    1. What make are your ww2 figures Ronnie? I have forgotten.
      Alan Tradgardland

  8. Britannia, I think. They've been around a long a box......somewhere.
