Saturday 13 January 2024


 I was putting the milk bottles out when l noticed a parcel had been slipped behind a plant pot by the P.O. It was small and easily missed by me and was now rather damp. It was a wee EBay purchase-

Thankfully the figures were not damaged by low temperatures and rain. I got some nicely painted sailors for a very reasonable price. The other lot intrigued me-

They were semi flat French ! I have never seen them before and was keen to get some. All will serve well in my gaming.


  1. They look like good potential recruits for some shenanigans on the shores of something like the Black Sea. In some imagined alternative Europe in the 20s or 30s maybe.

    1. I have some more sailors lying about which I may paint to match. I like the way the painter gave them sand coloured bases , a lovely touch l think. I imagine them to be like some of the characters in the Austro Hungarian navy novels by Biggins.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Nice sailors. I'm sure we'll see all these figures in action at some point.
    Good job you found the package.

    1. They are nice aren’t they. They will be in action soon I hope, just right for a wee game on the now cleared table top. I would like a few more French, say ten or so, just enough for a wee force. I was indeed fortunate with the package. Milk is delivered here once a week only so it is fortunate l was putting out bottles when I was…
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Great find Alan, in more ways than one

    1. A great find indeed certainly, in more ways than one.
      Alan Tradgardland

  4. Stylish and interesting (home cast?) Figures - glad the cold and ran did not affect them when outside.
