Sunday 11 April 2021

Revisiting Charge rules, Peter Young and the ECW

 I posted this in 2011, l had forgotten about it ,remembered it last night and found it again this morning.

It was about Brigadier Peter Young and ECW Charge. I posted this photo-

My old computer files I can’t access , the OSW yahoo group is no more and I am intrigued by this Sealed Knot  Newsletter article. If anyone can shed a light on this I would be most interested. I am of a mind to revive this...


  1. The diagram reminds me very much of the suggested organisations of foot in Bill Protz's booklet "Wargames Guide to the English Civil War" which was printed in 1977.. the organisation is almost identical... Bill is still active on blogger, so it might be worth asking him for his sources for the org charts he uses..??

    1. Aha.. more here:

    2. Thanks, I might well pursue this...

  2. Peter Young wrote an article in the Bayonet (Magazine), Volume 3, No. 1, December 1969. It covered the organisation of wargame units for the ECW.

    The organisation he proposed was 18 each of pike and musket with additional officer figures. This is very similiar to the organisation used in the old Bayonet Publication rules.

    I not sure he ever adapted the Charge rules for the ECW although I am sure it could be done

    1. I like to imagine he did, with Willie figures perhaps, so full of character.

  3. Alan, I had the privilege of occasionally having a gin with Peter Young during our Sealed Knot days. He was always an excellent host but somewhat intimidating.The headmaster's headmaster. I still feel it every time I look at Change.

  4. The life of a seventeenth century gentleman indeed! Not for the likes of pikemen like me. You evoke the Brigadier as I imagine him to have been. Did you drink with Starkey too?

    1. Starkey was also an interesting guy. Well known for his trademark Reliant Robin but he also made detailed models of theatres!

  5. Nice! I've got a cut-down "dining-table" version of Charge! I am planning to try but cannot find the site I got it off of. Found this during a search. The Charge! rules are so characterful that I'm surprised they weren't adapted by the authors - especially given their interest in ECW.
