Wednesday 21 April 2021

The kindness of fellow gamers

 l am always humbled by my fellow gamers who give of their time, knowledge and things in very generous ways. This week in the Duchy I have received three splendid parcels or rather boxes of delights. Firstly from James S who made three splendid Huts out of old card tubes and coconut shells as roofs. Here they are displayed with some Duchy of Tradgardland Colonial Troops. They will also come in handy for my semi flat Afrika games. Thank you James!

Secondly having seen my Carberry Hill set up Stephen C sent me some splendid 16th and 17th Century Minifigs to add to my set up for the period. As well as the lovely shiny lancers he sent some ECW Scots Cavalry which belonged to Stuart Asquith and came via Harry Pearson to S. C. Wargaming provenance indeed! Thank you Stephen!

Thirdly Mark MoT sent me some splendid recruits which he home cast very recently. They are 40mm semi flats and recruits for the Afrika games. I do like what he has done with the spears on the running figures and there is a heroic sword armed figure I haven’t seen before. Thank you MoT!


  1. What splendid coconut huts or coco-huts!
    Stuart Asquith provenance - there's wargaming royalty for you via Harry Achtung Schweinhund Pearson, no less. I have some of Stuart's 15mm Peter Laing Romans and Celts on old pub beer mats with sticky numbers which I am slowly rebasing singly without damaging the original bases too much.

    Finally I am glad that my Man of TIN figures have arrived safely and look forward to seeing at some point in the future - no rush - what you make of them. Here is how they were made for interested readers:

    1. I do recall your Peter Laing figures and splendid they are indeed. A good plan to both rebase yet preserve at the same time. I have kept Eric Knowles basing with the figures I am using for 16th Century Scotland too.

  2. This is indeed a coming together of an eclectic range of additions to your collection. It displays the range of your interests and more widely that of this great holiday. Enjoy all the new toys. I'm glad the package arrived safely.

    1. I believe that there is a battle brewing in Renaissance Scotland very soon where the Queen’s men will fight her foes in the glens...

  3. I do like the huts! You have some very thoughtful and generous friends Alan!

    1. Then huts are an excellent idea and work really well. They will add an excellent village to my Semi flat games...

  4. Some lovely stuff for sure. Those huts really look the part!
