Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Found in the shed

Yesterday was one of those unsettled,odd days  for me. I couldn’t really settle to anything useful or diverting ( apart from an enjoyable book about Model Villages) all day. Too chilly to garden I eventually raked in the shed and came across some figures I used for pre Great War Portable Wargame activity set in Norway in winter time. I had forgotten them and now recall I had drawn a battlefield for them on white paper which must have been thrown out. Anyway here are the figures in the form of annotated photos-

I had forgotten that I had used muliput on the bases to make snow and made a few conversions such as the Danish sharpshooter and the Norwegian Guardsman skier. The simple nature of the figures and the memories of making them cheered me up. I will draw a board today and give them a most deserved outing. Finally, I wondered if the elk was called Ann?


  1. Interesting looking project Tradgardmastare and ready to play (pret a jouer - is that an expression?)

    1. It can be uplifting finding an old project and getting it out once again.

  2. "Norwegian Wood; isn't it good?" ha ha

    Laughed at Ann Elk, too.
