Friday, 10 April 2020

Tin men cometh

I browse eBay to see what is out there,looking sometimes for bargains at others just for fun. I had no intention of buying let alone go off in a new direction but I did both. I magnified a sale item and could not believe my eyes, but more anon. I bought , I waited, they arrived-

 Frail, multicoloured jewels speaking of another her age...
Delicate,almost jewel like 30mm flats or zinnfiguren I believe. A random lucky bag of old school goodies. Wee Tony Bath games ahead I hope. Here are the eighty I bought and another 35= or so are expected. Enough for a small game with the potentially of expansion.
Now for the reason I bought them. Regular visitors to the blog know I am interested in all things Danish. I particularly am fascinated by the Late Scandinavian Bronze Age and its material culture. The Sun Chariot etc etc. I have the Foundry 28mm figures not to mention books and articles galore.
When looking online at this eBay horde I spied a Lur horn and warriors to match. Spirited, well animated tin Bronze Age Scandinavian fellows , well that was me! Here they are in all their glory 
Stunning! Can anyone identify the maker for me,I am out of my comfort zone re figures? All help gracefully received. I really would like to get some more of these fellows to create a decent force , can you help?


  1. Nice find Alan, well done. They look just like the illustrations in that old Blandford book.

    1. Thanks. That old book has inspired and continues to inspire many of us.

  2. Great find. “Frail, multicoloured jewels speaking of another her age...” sums it up perfectly. Serendipity exemplified.

    1. I am pleased with my find, they are exquisite in a way full round figures are not.

  3. Fantastic buy! I once had a few flat Romans but sold them so I can't help I'm afraid. Look forward to seeing them in action.

  4. Lovely flats, and what a find! I thought they were fully round at first and had to look again.

    Best Regards,


    1. I know what you mean re them being fully round, I am well pleased.

  5. Great find - the 'flats' bug has bitten ! by careful it could escalate !

  6. Absolutely delightful! Those Bronze age Scandinavian pages in Saxetorph's book inspired some of my earliest Airfix conversions for use with WRG 3rd ed wargames.

    Seems like an ideal period for skirmish games with a handful of figures though recent discoveries may make that comment outdated. Perhaps a portable wargame?

    1. Do you have any photos of these early chaps? What figures did you use?

  7. Hi Alan, hope you pick up this late comment, it appears you have figures from more than one series and more than one manufacturer here, but the majority are by Heinrichsen, who are still in business today and making flats from many of the original moulds. Watch out though because they make them in several sizes: The catalogue list will tell you what size they are:
