Thursday, 2 April 2020

Tradgardland Colonial Troops: New uniforms. Please vote for the uniform of your choice...

The Duchy of Tradgardland maintains some colonies overseas. The Duke is currently looking at three designs for new uniforms for the Colonial infantry.
An old print of  Fort Karl Frederick on the Spice  Islands

The original  new uniform drawings produced for the Duke to view.

Here are three soldiers dressed in the prototype uniforms- one in the blue uniform,one in the white uniform and one in the khaki one. Please aid the Duke by casting your vote for the uniform of your choice ( by Sunday) by leaving a comment. Your help is greatly appreciated by the Duke.

Figures again are conversions from Crescent Guards with Dorset Toy Soldier heads added.


  1. Tradgardmastare,

    My vote goes to the light blue uniform. Light enough for the tropics whilst still looking smart.

    All the best,


  2. Another vote for the light blue.

  3. Got to be light blue, old man -

  4. I'd go for the light blue. Seems somehow more tropical.

  5. White seems quite tropical too.

  6. Use all of the uniforms Alan. White for ceremonial number 1 dress, khaki for the grim business of fighting, and surely blue is the Marines who accompany Tradgardland's many river launches and gunboats, as well as manning the Gatling guns etc. Best regards. Phil

  7. The light blue tunic with the white pants and kepi look good for officers. Enlisted men would have the all blue and helmets if I were choosing.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


  9. It’s got to be the blue Your Grace. White is fine for dress but will soon look dirty on campaign. The khaki is clearly for dishonourable types who want to skulk about in the dirt unobserved. The blue is both practical and smart.

  10. I like the blue. The khaki is clearly the most practical. So it has to be the white....

  11. Light Blue. Maybe with green cuffs.

  12. Light blue, as they would look too much like British in khaki.

  13. Light Blue is the my favorite

  14. ermmm... can I vote for light blue as well?

  15. I'm for blue too, the Dorset heads make a big improvement to these figures.

  16. Well, having already voted on FB, I'll repeat it here and add my voice for light blue. Never was one to go with what all the other countries etc were doing.

  17. I would like a unit of each, but if I had to choose it would be the blue

  18. Thanks so much for your votes everyone,light blue it is then!
