Wednesday 12 July 2023

Plastic mountain reduction etc

Sorted out the painting desk recently-

Easier to use and the plastic box being see through allows me to find colours more effectively.
The ACW  plastic cavalry have come on a treat and I am working on some 15th century French. Plastic cement is so much more efficient than super glue. 

So reducing the plastic mountain, not buying new stuff and working towards getting figures on the table, can’t be bad can it? Win , win situation. Plus l am learning lots from the podcast I’ve been listening too as I stick n paint.


  1. Getting some figures painted and off that mountain is always very satisfying!

    1. Very much so. Not something l do as often as I should…
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Looks like steady progress but yes, I would never use super glue on anything I can stick together with an alternative adhesive - plastic cement (particularly ones like Revel with the tiny metal tube that allows minute amounts of the glue to be applied) are far superior on plastic figures or models! I only use SG begrudgingly on metal to metal......

    1. Steady progress but I must keep the momentum going…
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Congratulations on reducing the mountain. I'm in the process of doing the same. I'm not a fan of painting really, but to see the horde of unpainted figures grow smaller is quite satisfying.

  4. Thanks! I go through stages of enjoying the painting process and stages of being daunted by it.
    Alan Tradgardland
