Monday 17 July 2023

Unapologetically Old School

 I got these recently-

The knights are Minifigs and were bought because I liked them and because I felt they might have a use in some portable fantasy gaming. However plans have changed. I am currently trying to complete a 15th century French army for dbm. Yesterday saw a most successful session taking the project forward. This morning I checked points values and army size . I needed two elements of feudal knights ( to be irr Kn(I) and double based , for those interested) who , in my mind anyway, wear out of date armour and are less controllable when their blood is up! So that’s what these venerable figures will be used for. Not 100% historically accurate but who cares,I certainly don’t. Looking forward to getting started on them…

Secondly l bought these broken semi flat/ flat trees to renovate and repair. I’m looking for ideas of how to get them sorted out and table top ready. Particularly l am not sure how best to proceed with adding extra foliage and what to make it out of. All ideas greatly appreciated.


  1. I must admit to a certain fondness for that style of scenery.

    1. It is rather splendid isn’t it.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Lovely semi-flat trees. The Minifig Knights are so nice - I use the one with the Winged Helmet for Aragorn as King of Gondor

    1. A splendid use for one , if I may say so. The knights will feature as a unit with double height basing to make them fit in more.
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Hah - I think I have some of these knights in my medieval collection - purchased when I was a callow youth - we are talking late 70's here ..... you can see them here if you scroll through the post a bit.......

    1. Very nice figures and pictures, if I might say so.
      Alan Tradgardland

    2. You may indeed, Alan...thank you!

  4. Alan, will you be at Claymore? If so I have a batch of knights which you might like.


    1. I will be there in the morning Jim. This sounds interesting…
      Alan Tradgardland

    2. I'll be in the flea market, come find me.

  5. Double-based Kn(I) are pretty mean when they get going. Such are my Byzantine Kataphraktoi (Klibanophoroi in BDM parlance).

    1. Double based kn(I) often feature in our games in the shape of allies for the Swiss. To be fair they don’t do a bad job against the Burgundians.
      Alan Tradgardland

  6. I like Minifigs, always nice to see them in use. I really like the semi flat trees, they are quite delightful.

    1. Quite agree on all fronts…
      Alan Tradgardland

  7. The knights look great, and good that some old figures can get a new lease of life! ( The same goes for the trees, too )
    I really like the rippling effect they have got on the horses' caparisons.

  8. I am delighted to have a particular role for these august gentlemen . I am sure they will serve well and gloriously on the table top!
    Alan Tradgardland
