I have been on my hols for nearly 2 weeks now and time has flown...
It has turned out rather differently from my plans with my mother being in hospital ( nothing too serious but an ongoing situation) and the subsequent organisation ,time and visiting it has involved me in.
I however have tilled the soil in glorious sunshine - spreading my home made compost and resiting two compost heaps. We have begun to make plans for what to grow and I am keen to eat as much as possible in the way of veg & salads from the garden this year!
On the hobby front there has been little painting done but plans made and preparations started. I am ordering movement trays for the Ducal forces and also for the Imperium too. The planned for game using Bill Protz's rules has not happened due to time /energy BUT I hope to remedy this very soon...
As this is 2010 and in Britain we commerate 1600years since the Romans left Britain ( a period I have loved since I watched "Arthur of the Britons" with Brian Blessed and Oliver Tobias, as a boy) I would like to do something of the period. I have loads of semi painted picts and must finish them . It would not be too hard with focus and time...