Saturday 27 April 2024

Yesterday’s game

 28mm, DBM, Late Romans v Saxons. My friend’s figures, mainly Wargames Foundry.

I was one of the Roman commanders.  We lost. Terrific figures, haven’t been on the table for ages. Nice to see them getting an outing and some exercise.

Friday 26 April 2024

Terrain ideas for gaming

 I’ve been painting more of my backlog of Mark’s Little Soldiers. Now the mountain troops are done ( five infantry to a unit/ per hex and officers on 2p bases) I have some overall clad worker’s militia on the go. Today l set up a wee scenic trial using the mountains l had been working on and some houses l found yesterday whilst sorting.

The mountains are paper mache with Vallejo terrain paint covering them.

I might try and set up a solo game of “ Memories of ‘34” over the the weekend if time allows…

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Currently painting

 These are on the painting table at the moment-

Mountain troops.


Tuesday 23 April 2024

Diverse Matters again


Near my house there is a disused railway line now cycle track. Here are a pair of Blue Tits nesting in the key stone cracks in a bridge over the track. I have never noticed this happening before.
A sign of Spring springing- the first new shoots on the beech hedge. Almost eagerly anticipated and noted with pleasure.
An interesting Finnish painting from the early 1940s l saw recently online.

Monday 22 April 2024

Sunday 21 April 2024

Diverse matters


I recently started another art history course ( weekly for two hours) which this time is on The Age of Giotto. One of the extra joys is the excuse to pop into a small walled garden off the Royal Mile. Here it is the garden showing a little of the layout. See here for more.

Secondly l have noticed the upsurge of stickers left by visiting football supporters around and about. They are often highly coloured as well as designed well , sometimes being amusing too. I find the phenomenon fascinating.

I found this photo on line of an old Edinburgh station, now defunct. I thought some of my readers might enjoy seeing it.
Finally a little work in progress-

A small Carolingian force, knights, officers on barded horses and spearmen to oppose P’s Arab Conquest force he is working on. I need five archers to complete it which I will pick up at some point soon. Figures are Essex infantry and Old Glory cavalry.