Friday 29 June 2018

School’s out for summer 

Last day at school prior to my retirement. I was presented with a leavers hoodie with words others had chosen relating to me-

I was delighted with this thoughtful gift. Retirement starts now...

Tuesday 26 June 2018

A post about today’s Post 

These were awaiting me on my return from work today:

Forty years ago I had a Minifigs TYW army which has long since gone. I read wedgewood eagerly and Eduard Wagner (?) too. For reasons of nostalgia I ordered this book which,on first glance, looks really interesting indeed. I had also bought into the kickstarter for Noggin the Nog figures and am delighted with the figures which may get used for Dragon Rampant. Can’t wait to see more from Little Soldier Company in the way of Noggin figures.

Saturday 23 June 2018

On the workbench 

Last Saturday l based my syw figures or should l say rebased them. I cannot recall the different ways l have based them over the years- individually,in multiple bases,on coins and movement trays. I have gone with 40mm square for infantry and 50mm for cavalry.

They deserve to march across the tabletop rather than remain in barracks awaiting some new drill formations. I will finish these fellows ( two opponents Reichsarmee v Austrians) then see how things lie with the ottomans. The time has come to game and model more,procrastinate less.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Wandering off the path 2

The figures arrived today:

They are 1/32 Chintoys. I hope to begin them at the weekend. Off now to find some visuals for painting references.

Saturday 16 June 2018

Wandering off the path...

I hadn’t planned this not particularly wanted a new project in a different scale. Here are some clues:

A photo and  Werner Herzog film title as clues. Can you guess the scale and manufacturer?

Saturday 9 June 2018

Hold the ford!

An advance guard of light cavalry and infantry has been spotted by some local woodsmen-

The woodsmen sought out the cavalry billeted in a village nearby and reported what they had seen. Orders were given and received, the Horse Grenadiers mount up and ride out of camp. Their orders are to hold the ford at any cost,the invaders must be stopped.

A wee game set up for the weekend. I will play it through later today. Figures are 40mm and come from the collection which has lain in boxes underneath the beds for ages. It is high time they were on the tabletop...

Monday 4 June 2018


Some dragoons finished today for my English Civil War project. It has been positively chilly today and I have done very little outdoors apart from mending some wooden items that have awaited wood glue for ages. 

Sunday 3 June 2018

His Majesty’s Landship Amazement or Mazey to her friends 

Captain George Aubrey R.N is showing off the Mazey’s powerful gun to a  fascinated watching crowd. Soon a demonstration firing will take place. The crew are warning the crowd to keep to the side and not stray behind the wagon lest they are crushed beneath the iron wheels when the recoil occurs. Like his father before him George values regular gunnery practice. 


I am gradually running out of paint. Over the years I have bought one pot at a time as needed. Now I find that l am coming to the end of many pots as some dry out and others finish. I fear the time has come for a more radical restock!
I am looking for ideas of how to do so economically online. All ideas gratefully received.

Saturday 2 June 2018


Having seen my middle daughter off on her recce of south coast and far west universities l quickly got some shopping and hurried home to listen to Test Match Special. Rain had stopped play but the conversation was as interesting as ever.

Pottered pleasantly in the garden as well as working on the above landship. Off on Monday as it is a holiday weekend in Fife.