Monday 28 November 2016

Tradgardland foot of the 17th Century

First a view from the sharp end-

Secondly foot recruited from the guilds- in this case the Plasterer's Guild and The guild of Woodworkers-

Sunday 27 November 2016

Advent begins...

Hung up my calendar today as Advent began
1 Of the Father’s love begotten 
ere the worlds began to be, 
he is Alpha and Omega — 
he the source, the ending he, 
of the things that are, that have been, 
and that future years shall see 
evermore and evermore.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

For Tim and interested others...

After much searching I located this paperback on my bookshelves today-
Found in a old second hand book shop in Edinburgh a number of years ago. It is a much sought after work I believe.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Tradgardland pikemen of the Thirty Years War

I pondered upon the comments left at my last post (thank you for your suggestions)  and have just finished (hence undried glue) basing my pikemen. I have gone with nine figures on a 50mm square base, I think it improves the look and better suggests a dense mass of pikemen-
Next I will work on the basing/painting of the shot...

Saturday 19 November 2016

Basing try out for Portable Thirty Years War etc

This week I got some Minifigs S Range for my Portable TYW/ECW project-
I have used them so far to try out some basing /deploying ideas.Firstly a large Tercio-
Secondly Dutch?/Swedish?-
As ever let me know what you think and all suggestions welcome. Incidentally I have not tried out these formations in a game yet. 

Wednesday 16 November 2016

A couple of interesting reads etc

Theses are a couple of recent additions to the library of the Duke of Tradgardland-
Finally a programme I have just discovered ( well  ok I watched one episode five series  ago and didn't enjoy it then) and am ploughing through the boxset on Amazon-
Just started the second series and it is excellent.Have a good day one and all!

Saturday 12 November 2016


Had an enjoyable trip to the Targe show in Kirriemuir. A sunny car ride through lovely autumn countryside. I will say more about the show once I can get my photos off my phone...
In the mean time can anyone identify the manufacturer of these 40mm AWI figures I picked up for overall around a £1 per figure-

Monday 7 November 2016

Re "Pikeman's lament"- some questions...

I wonder if anyone can tell me the unit types/definitions in the forthcoming rules the "Pikeman's Lament" to help me plan. Is there a category which particularly fits  musket and axe armed strelitsi for example? Is there a category like the 6 figure  infantry skirmisher units in Lion Rampant? I have every intention of buying the rules when they come out for need a tad more info for planning/modelling.

Sunday 6 November 2016



 Currently I seem to go from cold to cold and am very tired and more than a tad low. Struggling on teaching,supporting the girls and trying to find a new constructive way to live my life without Jan. It is hard often.
I have, as ever, enjoyed reading your blog posts ( a great way to to start the day with coffee and breakfast) and sometimes commenting on them. I think of projects but have little enthusiasm or energy for executing them. I can't be bothered getting out loads of figures and setting up a game. I have however just started to do a little work on my 25mm Portable ECW Rules old school Minifigs. It seems manageable currently in both setting up,playing solo and painting for-
I wonder how many of you are eagerly awaiting-
which is due out towards the latter part of January? I am currently enjoying thinking of what forces to raise for it. Anyone started thinking/planning/painting yet?