Friday 31 December 2010

Happy New Year etc...

New Years Eve:
All the Ducal Court has gathered to see the the latest sensation at the Tradgardstadt Opera House...
Tonight the celebrated castrato singer Senor Belliconi will sing the lead role in the newly composed opera "The vile Stagonian Beggar" a rip-roaring satire and buffoon filled comedy based upon the Duke of Stagonia and his vile mistress the Duchess of Sachsen-Vindow.
The Court will then leave to attend a masqued ball (the theme of which will be the story of Dido and Aneas) to while away the last remaining hours of 1760 in a glittering setting within the Ducal Palace.
The Duke of Tradgardland, his Household and the whole Duchy of Tradgardland wish a Happy New Year when it comes for 1761 and 2011 to one and all!
Gentle reader your attention is craved with regard to the current poll here in the Duchy. Your opinions are sought regarding the forthcoming fabrication and decoration of a miniature army depicting an army of the fifteenth century by that fellow worthy of some esteem namely Mr Gruber of the aforementioned Duchy. Pray vote and register your comment too

Thursday 30 December 2010

Christmastide update

It has been a good Christmas. Jan has been better than ever we imagined. We had a super day yesterday in Perth where we shopped ,wandered about and had lunch. On the way we collected my parcel from the P.O - the fantastic Perry plastic late medievals. I have opened the box only as yet but have already fallen for these graceful warriors. They will form part of my late 15th century German army along with older Foundry figures that have been waiting in the wings for years...

I have enjoyed also the time and energy to read- the D M Cornish novel has been restarted and is proving enjoyable as ever with it's fascinating imaginary 18th century world so well evoked by the author. I have enjoyed the Osprey on Philadelphia but my heart remains with the Saratoga campaign and the fascinating mix of troops and scenarios...
I have posted two pics of the campaign -Herkimer bravely commanding in spite of his wounds and a super picture of Fort Stanwix. I hope to get a small game upon the table in 2012- enough to satisfy my interest in the period and use the "Gentleman Johnnie's War " rules I kept from a magazine many years ago. The project has had a boost also in the very reasonably indeed price I am buying some unwanted unpainted British infantry for from a friend
- thanks Ted!
Hope to get some figs cut from the Perry spru after my return from the doc's to get my flu jab
-have a great day !
p.s Don't miss the new "Upstairs Downstairs " from the bbc it was well worth watching when it comes to your public service broadcasting or on i player...

Sunday 26 December 2010

In the Library

St Stephen's Day has arrived in Tradgardland. Between Mass of the Day and the Mummer's visitation Duke Karl Frederick has time to spend in his Library . He is accompanied by his old Jesuit friend Fr Wallander.
Together they pour over manuscripts and rare volumes pertaining to Prester John and the lands of Aethopia. Fr Wallander's Order had first hand experience of this exotic and fabulous land. He is able to answer some of the Duke's questions . An idea forms within the mind of Duke Karl Frederick which could change his life dramatically in the forthcoming year....

Saturday 25 December 2010

Christmas Day

Well an excellent day has been had by all in the Duchy. Santa has come to all and all are happy with his gifts. I myself was blessed with a couple of books on the campaigns of Saratoga and also Philidelphia ( fits well well with der Alte's forthcoming range- too tempting I fear) to read over the hopefully lazy days ahead. I have been out to morning Mass, had excellent food and just enjoyed an inventive and entertaining Dr Who Christmas Day Special- well worth catching on I player if you missed it.

On a slightly sad note the Wargamers Annual failed to arrive but may be the parcel waiting at the sorting office to be colllected on Wednesday....

A great day in company of my Ducal Household who all endeavoured to make a glorious meal. Hopefully
another good day ahead tomorrow and maybe even the paint brush out!

Merry Christmas to one and all and do tell what Santa brought you!

Friday 24 December 2010

Christmas Eve...

It is now Christmas Eve in the Duchy of Tradgardland...

The sun is not up yet and I have begun my day as ever - strong coffee and a foray into the world of EvE to catch up on all your inspiring efforts.
Jan feels she is up to the "Present Run" so we will be driving to see various households however briefly. Afterwards we will return to the Duchy and undertaken final preparations for tomorrow and some R & R.

All that remains is to wish you a Merry Christmas from us all here- the Household of today and that of Duke Karl Frederick in our glorious world of imaginations and related hobby entertainment. Wherever you are may you and yours celebrate this glorious feast day together making a day to remember and treasure!
The magnificent Christmas illustration (done on "Paint" ) by my middle daughter shows her mastery of the package - I must really get her doing some Standards in the new Year...
The painting shows a typical EvE court at Christmas and the writing slope reminds me to do some writing this Christmas hols...

Thursday 23 December 2010

School's out for Winter...

Just off in ten minutes to School via the icy wastes.Term ends in under six hours and the holidays begin-huzzah! What are you doing today?

Monday 20 December 2010

The Disputed Valley - the Syldavian factor...

One hundred years ago a Syldavian mercenary unit settled down for their winter quarters in the Disputed Valley. They stayed, married local girls and brought their culture and traditions with them.
Over the subsequent hundred years this small corner of the Valley took on exotic flavour with it becoming almost a "little Syldavia" . It has raised a couple of militia units which remain ever vigilant for the presence of foreigners upon it's soil. The enclosed map shows the area of influence...
Now Duke Karl Frederick of Tradgardland has to secure their help in opposing the incursions of the Imperium within the valley. An ambassador has been sent to seek the council of the Syldavian Leaders. It is uncertain how the will respond...
The above will be represented upon the tabletop with a militia company currently upon the painting table- watch this space.

Sunday 19 December 2010

Snow and an inspirational gift...

Snow is falling - we are in for the day and trying to put transport and postal delivery thoughts aside as we can do nothing towards tomorrow. As they say let it snow,let it snow...

Cleaning and decorating are on the cards as well as a swift card run around the neighbours by the girls. I thought also I might get some figures painted and thought I would post a picture of some 15th century artillery painted by Phil Olley which he very kindly gave me some time ago. They remain my inspiration and will spur me on when the painting starts . I fear I cannot achieve his results but hope to do them justice...

Saturday 18 December 2010


Yesterday Jan had her second last chemo. All went well and the suspected vile weather conditions did not materialise. I took the latest copy of “Battlegames “ magazine in to read and pass the time as it had arrived the night before . As ever it proved most enjoyable. I was most taken with Mr Siggins’s article about his interests being cyclical with regard to wargaming . I am sure we can all identify with this as we have our favourite periods we always return to as well as passing fancies and diverse enthusiasms…
I was also planning there ( via my precious and indispensible Dodo pad ) what projects to work upon and time was available to think and decicde what to do:
1. My ongoing imagination work and one page 18th century rules- Tradgardland and the Disputed Valley
2. The GNW army of Gottrop- Holstien to use at the local club with ULB rules
3. 15th Century projects fuelled by my love of the period and the clothes/livery and armour of the 1470’s and 80’s. One is to raise a WOTR Yorkist force to oppose my regular opponent and long term friend Phil’s Lancastrians. The other is one I have planned ,researched ,dreamt of for some years – a German army of around 1474 to oppose the Burgundians (again Phil’s!) who besieged Neuss and incurred the wrath of the Emperor himself…

I also decided to have a figure buying freeze and try to tackle the Lead Mountain! Lasted one day I’m afraid as I succumbed to the Perry Plastic Mercenaries earlier today!!!!!
I hope you are moving well through Advent towards Christmas – keep warm ,travel safely and keep inspiring me with your excellent blogs and artistry! More about the other projects etc next time .

Thursday 9 December 2010

From " A Gentleman's guide to Europa..."

The 9th of December ( commonly held as the feast of St Lando the pious) marks the start of the Carolling Season in the Duchy of Tradgardland. The streets ,ale houses and dwellings high and low resound to the sound of singing. The favourite is “God rest ye merry Tradgardlanders…” which can be heard almost constantly. Others include “The Vile Stagonian Carol” – which is neither vile or Stagonian but is a sweet lullaby for babies. All are welcome to attend and voices heavenly and hellish mingle in a song of celebration and devotion…

Monday 6 December 2010

Home again and "A change is as good as a rest..."

Went to work round the Fife circle via the long way round and was subsequently sent home by mid morning...

I won't bore you with more winter stories as I am sure that you are fed up with your own probs of work and home inconveniences...

At the weekend I had a change from 18th century painting and switched to some 1930's Welsh nationalist troops and opponents for a VBCW scenario. I have so many rule sets for the period I must really decide to stick to one- the last ones being purchased from the toofatlardies a few days ago.

Finally the weather has given me an excuse to post this glorious 18th century sleigh. Any skillful modellers out there ( yes I mean you- don't be modest) I challenge you to make one for your army commander this winter!

Friday 3 December 2010

Annie Lennox - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Winter warmth in the 18th century
This link will take you to an interesting Blog which will tell you how to keep warm in the 18th Century!

Re factions.... trying to anchor 20th century into the past ?

I've been putting my thoughts on paper ( tying to make links with Tradgardland's past and those of her neighbours) and digging out ideas I wrote down last year-here is where we are so far...

Freikorps: a unit equipped in traditional dress (like the lederhosen wearing Freikorps Werdenfelds) to be portrayed by Eureka 1808 Tyrolean figures.
Another unit in late ww1 German uniforms.

Faction ideas so far:

Ducal Army- Duke himself,Guard unit,Militia units-loyal to Duchy
- some units who threw in their lot with revolutionaries

Spartacists-left wing,revolutionary,Russian backed,

Guild/Union militias- Herrring Fisher's Union etc

Sachen-Vindow Freikorps- aristocratic unit from former Duchy led by decedent of the notorious 18th Century Duchess - vile Stagonians and assorted shady characters

Volunteers from the Imperium - led by ex Austro -Hungarian officers who wish to make fortune from the struggles which divide the duchy.

Well here we are at this point in the planning - do let me know what you think!

Thursday 2 December 2010

Anyone for 20th Century Tradgardland?

A while ago I posted here about doing something about Tradgardland in 1918-1920 or so. See the original post link here:

The idea has been in my mind again of late and I thought it might be fun to think of factions - Left/Right/Ducal Loyalists and not to mention the Freikorp...
I wondered I could use some of my VBCW stuff to morph into the project too. AS ever comments and Faction suggestions most welcome!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Advent again in the Duchy of Tradgardland...

Well December is here again and the Advent calendar has made an appearance in many homes around the globe. I thought you might like to share in the opening of our one here in Tradgardland and so I will post pictures of it daily...

Gruber household off work again,schools closed and Anna's prelims cancelled today due to wintry conditions. I watched the BBC4 programme on Frederick the Great last night and really enjoyed it. Couldn't do justice to such a man in an hour but interesting never the less. Monday's programme on German art was excellent too and well worth catching on I player if you can. Take care,keep warm and Happy Advent to one and all!

Monday 29 November 2010

Huzzah for Scotrail!

Set off to work at 6.25am through deepish snow. Train arrived only two minutes late. Got off at Dalmeny and walked to school - found it in darkness.My wife phoned me on mobile to tell me my boss had been on the phone to say school was closed today. Turned tail to walk to station and got train home and enjoyed WSS booklet in comfort in warm carriage on the way. Back by computer by 8.15am.Girls school closed too. Hope you all have had a safe and not too frustrating day so far!

Saturday 27 November 2010

Weather real and imaginationary...

The first Snows have come to The Undisputed Valley situated on the border of the Duchy of Tradgardland. The elk can be found within the dense forests and await the coming winter with stoical acceptance...

The Ducal artillery practice in winter quarters for the coming struggle with the Imperium by firing a few rounds, the smoke rising upwards in the chill air.

Here in Dunfermline we have had the first real snow of winter.Sledging and mini snowman making has occurred not to mention photography in the chilly air. Thankfully the snow arrived overnight the evening after Jan's fourth chemo or we might have had travelling probs over to Edinburgh. Chemo number 4 went as well as can be expected and Jan is very tired but not in too bad form . 5th out of 6 will hopefully take place on the 17th December. We move onwards and upwards...

Wednesday 24 November 2010


For those who belong to Society of Daisy can I reccomend a newly posted file there:
A Roleplaying Game of Wine-Drinking, Boasting, Beetles, and Some Incidental Rationalist Philosophie"
I have just read it upon the train home tonight and I feel it is something many of us at EvE might enjoy...
Do look it up- you won't regret it!

A real Imagination- if you know what I mean...

One of the chaps at my local club in Dunfermline has begun a Great Northern War project and is commencing collecting my fave army of the period – the Danes! He intends to use Under the Lily Banner or perhaps Basic Baroque Impetus….

My initial reaction was enthusiasm then I thought better of it and put the brakes on. However after considered thought I have decided to raise a few units – enough for an afternoon’s entertainment upon a smallish table.
My initial reaction was to go for the Swedes- I have loads of information and a long standing admiration for these Predestination driven Calvinists under their wonderful King Karl XII…
However I have finally been “won over” to the side of a real Imagination in the shape of the Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp. Let’s meet the Duke ….

Duke Frederick IV of Holstein-Gottorp (18 October 1671 – 19 July 1702) was Duke of Schleswig.
He was born in Gottorp as the elder son of Duke Christian Albrecht of Holstein-Gottorp and Princess Frederika Amalia of Denmark. He was married on 12 May 1698 to Princess Hedwig Sophia of Sweden and they had a son, Charles Frederick, their only child, who eventually fathered the future Tsar Peter III of Russia..
He took part in the Great Northern War and was killed in the Battle of Kliszów in Poland.
According to Robert Massie's Peter the Great: His Life and World, Duke Frederick quickly befriended his brother-in-law and first cousin, King Charles XII of Sweden upon arriving in Stockholm to marry his cousin Princess Hedwig Sophia. His visit made such an impression on Swedish society that the excesses surrounding him and the King earned him "the Gottorp Fury" as a nickname. Duke Frederick and King Charles regularly participated in wild festivities, drinking binges, and outlandish pranks. Generally, Duke Frederick's influence was the blame for the King's "reckless" lifestyle. There were even rumors at the time that the Duke sought to kill the King and usurp the throne. As it happened, according to Massie in the aforementioned book, the 17-year-old King Charles, in the summer of 1699, pushed himself to an unbearable point of excess and vowed never to touch another drop of liquor again. Apparently, writes Massie, the King stuck to beer thereafter, and even just drank beer when he was either wounded or post-battle. As for his relationship with his cousin Frederick, they remained on good terms, so much that King Charles gave him military assistance to defend Holstein-Gottorp from Danish invasion. (thanks to Wikipedia…)
P.S Perhaps one day I will raise the Duchy of Tradgardland’s army of 1700 to provide oppostion…

Monday 15 November 2010

Nostalgic Image?

The men of the undisputed Valley ( wearing some outlandish headgear- it will never catch on I feel...) are playing a rather unfair looking game in surprisingly decent conditions for November...

Sunday 14 November 2010

Winter Quarters Real and Imaginary...

Winter has come to the Duchy of Tradgardland and also Fife...
Sadly no crisp snow but we have been lashed by rain and wind this week. All is sodden,garden like a quagmire and the guinea pigs ensconced in the garage much to the harvest mice's delight I fear!

The trip to the consulatant went really well. She said Jan could not be "in a better place" with regard to how she has responded to treatment! Glorious news indeed as we gear up towards Chemo 4 out of six in around 12 days! We are both delighted and feel surrounded by the thoughts and prayers of many...

I am rather tired these days and all is busy with work and family at the moment. I do bits and bobs of hobby stuff and try to resist buying new lead to add to the already vast unpainted mountain of many years standing. I am trying to do something with my collection of VBCW stuff and keep the D M Cornish,Ny Tradgardland and diverse projects moving forward albeit in small ways.

In Trdagardland I can report that the forces of the Duchy and their arch enemies (The Imperium) have set up camp/winter quarters at opposite sides of the Disputed Valley. Over winter I hope to build up some units of the Towns which lie in the valley- something which I am really quite enjoying in terms of numbers to do and results achieved. I do hope to transfer the details from the old map to a more modern version which will aid campaign movement. Energy and time permitting I am itching to set up a small encounter upon the tabletop just to get dice rolling again and the excitement of gaming too. It seems ages since I had a proper battle, went to the local club or gamed with my regular opponent too. But 20011 awaits and I am hopeful too! Have a great weekend one and all.

Friday 12 November 2010

1938 A very British Civil War- a background story...

The crowd poured out into the night. It had been another successful monthly Mistery dance in the village Scout hut. All had enjoyed the heady mix of broad bean boasting, compost tips and high politics. With the last chords from the dance band still ringing in their ears the men gathered outside to talk…
“I’m just off down to the allotments Doris!”
“Ok love; see you when you get home…”
Bert made his way along the lane and turned right into the gateway to the allotments themselves. He looked with pride upon the bean plants heavily laden and held up by good old English hazel wands- there would be good eating for all and plenty to share with the neighbours. These were strange days here in Lower Sedgebury Wallop- the vicar denouncing the King from the pulpit, the men drilling on the vicarage lawn and those B.U.F city yobs in their uniforms swaggering through the village and up to no good!
Finally Bert arrived deep in thought at the Warden’s shed. A light was on and laughter could be heard coming through the still night air. Bert gave the secret knock and was admitted into the shed’s inner sanctum where the Kin had gathered. There amongst the terracotta flower pots, used twine, copies of gardening magazines and numerous pamphlets arcane and rather dull, lay a brand new anti-tank rifle! Let them come, Bert thought, we are ready now…

Monday 8 November 2010

From the chronicles...

Throughout the century the main gates and posterns were guarded by watchmen. A reform committee of 1743 recommended that the day watch, being useless, should be abolished but that the night watch should be improved. During the Rye Bread Rebellion an attempt was made to maintain regular night patrols in the streets; in August an hourly patrol by one of the watchmen and one of the constables of each ward was instituted; patrolling was to last from midnight until 4 a.m., between Lady Day and Michaelmas, and until 6 a.m. for the remainder of the year; each door was to be knocked upon and the hour called out 'after the manner now used in Tradgardland and diverse Duchies'; and drunkards and nightwalkers were to be arrested and taken before a magistrate of the ward on the next morning. The night watch was to be paid from money collected in each ward and expected to drill I the event of invasion also. Later in the same month three more efficient and less decrepit watchmen were appointed for each ward, and the watches were ordered to begin at 10 p.m. from Lady Day to Michaelmas and at 8 p.m. thereafter; at those hours the main gates and posterns were to be locked….

Extract from “Von Meyers customs diverse and peculiar of Uhwerkhausen”

Sunday 7 November 2010

Gunpowder past and present...

We didn't make it this year to Phil's annual firework garden party last night. However we did manage to have some fun with sparklers in our own garden prior to our evening meal today!
During the day I spent some time painting the artillery crew,field piece and grenade throwers belonging to the Fire Artificer's Guild of Uhwerkhausen. Here is a photo of their famous White Stag banner which refers to a legend of their Guild's foundation in the fifteenth century...

Finally on another matter Chemo number three took place on friday- hurrah! We see the consultant on Wednesday for a chat at this half way through treatment stage.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Friday 5 November 2010

The disputed Valley- Uhwerkhausen

The Town Militia of Uhwerkhausen are currently drilling in the green fields at the town's edge. Great care is taken to avoid the town's peacocks- myriad clockwork automata ( see enclosed video...) which walk around displaying their glorious feathers to their inventor the Burgomeister and all other townspeople as they go about their business...

The militia have been ordered to muster in the light of Imperial agression in the vicinity. Envoys have been sent to elicit the help of Duke Frederick of Tradgardland whose troops are currently fabricating theit winter quarters nearby.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Tradgardland updates...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

This week end marks Halloween (we have already had guisers at the door who were willing to sing - a rare occurrence these days) and the clocks have gone back last night. It is a time to take stock...
I tried ganeesh games "Songs of blades and heroes " with a Ny Tradgardland scenario ( see piccies) and they worked well. I will certainly use them again.
I intend to continue to use my Imagination Campaign this winter too and build upon the Disputed valley map. I have already painted one unit and will post piccies soon...
I hope also to do something with a VBCW - I have enough figures to game and have some interesting rules in the shape of "When officers rode"
Jan didn't get her third chemo last Tuesday. Her platelets were way too low. She was given a platelet transfusion instead. Bloods were taken on Friday and all being well ( depending upon blood test results) Chemo number 3 will be on Tuesday 2nd Nov...Week back for me after half term hectic, girls go back to school on tomorrow.
Will post again soon.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

A new blog.....

I have succumbed to doing a DM Cornish Project- do pop by:

Wednesday 20 October 2010

A campaign Map or Plans Changed...

A change of plan here has led to the game being postponed. However, whilst taking advantage of the cold yet sunny weather to do some garden tidying, I have come up with a cunning plan to take my imagination wargaming forward this autumn/winter...

I have prepared a campaign map (please click on it for a closer look) of Umstrittental (The Disputed Valley) which lies between the Duchy of Tradgardland and the Imperium. Although independent the valley is claimed by both Tradgardland and the Imperium. The diplomatic and military struggles over sovereignty have dragged on for centuries and influence over Umsttittental waxes and wanes between the two major contending powers.
Umsttittental raises her own troops which are allied at different times to either Tradgardland or the Imperium or maintain a headstrong independendence in the face of invasions military and economic.For years trade and peace reigns before another battle or invasion intervenes briefly before the status quo returns.

The Campaign gives me a chance to use both my Tradgardland and Imperium forces. It also allows me to raise units for Umsttittental as and when I like. Coupled with the rules and table size mentioned in the previous post I can use the valley in a variety of ways: for 1866 gaming not to mention later or early time periods. As ever I am interested in what you think of my idea...

Monday 18 October 2010

Von Fripp in command...

"And so gentlemen here are the accounts for Smaaland Manor relating to the guilds of Topiary and Bee Keeping..."
Suddenly a horse could be heard outwith the Manor Estate office and the sound of a man's feet running across the gravel.
Minutes later the Militia officers, who had gathered to discuss the business of agriculture and commerce, had sent the aforementioned messenger off to summon Von Fripp and the Smaaland Manor militia. The forces of the Imperium had crossed the border...
Dear Reader it is my intention to play out this encounter upon the dining room table on Wednesday using the Old Wormley Creek Wargames Society Rules kindly sent to me by Joe Saur. They are written with such a playing area in mind. I will add the Duke of Stollen's event cards also and some ideas about how to control an 18th century opponent in a solo game. I will of course post an account and photos afterwards.

Friday 15 October 2010

A broadsheet tells all...

Recent writings in that gentleman's newsheet "Ye Classix Kreigspieler's Journal" has besmirched the name of that redoubtable fellow Major Von Fripp , lately of the Court of the Crimson Duke, who most gallantly played his part in the so -called "debacle" at Spurlash Down.
General Schwarz (whose current whereabouts is uncertain) has instructed me to commend to one and all the enclosed painting as a true and accurate representation of the recent action...
Dear Reader you are advised to click upon the enclosed painting to see it all it's glorie!

Thursday 14 October 2010


I often find I am inspired by evocative images- here is one such engraving after the school of Durer...
It depicts the city of Zeitgeist- Dunkelsten. Now what might happen in a city such as this I wonder...

Sunday 10 October 2010

updates again...

I t was Zoe's first Portfolio Class in Edinburgh yesterday. I accompanied her so she would know where to go for future occasions. Whilst waiting for her ( with an infected knee causing me to hirple around and take antibiotics the size of zeppelins) I went to see the exhibition of Lewis Chessmen at the NMS- it had sadly finished. However I did buy a copy of the exhibition book which looks interesting. I did manage to resist( only just) a Noggin the Nog book and dvd!

I have downloaded " Terrible Sharp Sword" the toofat lardies acw supplement for Sharp Practice. On first perusal it looks full of potentiality ...

I have been interested in Renaissance wargaming for more years than I care to remember. Of late it has lain in abeyance due to rules probs- didn't like DBR at all or WAB ECW really either for example. I am tempted by FOG Renaissance as just the thing I need to dust off old armies- does anyone know the rules at all yet?

Jan's chemo number two went as well as could be expected this week. This is the "dip" weekend but she will bounce back in a day or too...

Sunday 3 October 2010

A letter from across the ocean...

"... it is now four days since my ship made landfall here in Ny Tradgardland. Fr Lefebrve ,from the garrison at St Louisberg has just said Mass for my intention of thanksgiving- for my delivery from the September seas, at the small chapel which shelters under the curtain walls that lie between us and the sea.

As you know,my dear, the Duke has charged me with the onerous task of leading the militia here in this furthest outpost of the Duchy ,far from your arms and those of our dear children. This is strange place full of mystery and a strange kind of beauty.We are supplied well by God's bounty of the sea and assisted by the local peoples whose ways I have yet to master yet am keen to know. This land offers unfathomable joys yet holds so much for me to do and accomplish. The English and their Mohawk allies are on the move- we have but weeks to bring our forces up to scratch. Yet,by God's grace we shall prevail.
Kiss the children for me and I shall write again soon- the ship to carry this missive will not wait long .
Your ever loving husband

Thursday 30 September 2010

Books and Blogs...

The weekend is almost upon us and I,for one, am most grateful for that. Volume 2 of the Monster Blood Tattoo saga arrived to day with it's glorious maps,charts and evocative drawings. I will begin it tonight.

I found this fascinating 18th Century Blog today and it is well worth a look-
Please also click on the link to the 18th Century Bookbinder- I bet you will be tempted by his wares too...

I am toying with revisiting Ny Tradgardland and do some French Indian War Skirmishing- any ideas for interesting/evocative of time and place Skirmish rules?

Saturday 25 September 2010

18th century Roleplaying..

I've really been out of role playing since my uni days of the early 80's. I have been wondering of late about some solo role playing in Tradgardland in the mid 18th century. Any suggestions for systems- I don't know where to begin these days...

Thursday 23 September 2010

Updates again

Little to report on the hobby front- the Pendraken hobbits arrived and don't look too bad. They are still in the bag awaiting energy and time...

Work is busy and home too- Jan had a not very great weekend but is a tad better and moving forward.

I have been doing very little reading ( the newly bought biography of John Henry Newman lies awaiting the attention it deserves by the writing slope) but have enjoyed some light reading ( including the latest Battlegames magazine- I finally subscribed) on the train in the form of "Monster Blood Tattoo" by D M Cornish- an interesting 18th Century alternate world. It is early days with the book but I am being drawn into another fascinating world...

I was wondering about what was available in the form of 28mm "Lace Punk"/ 18th Century fantasty figures and a skirmish is something that is in the planning stage at the moment.

My one page 18th century rules are moving forward and I will post when I have play tested them- something to work towards in the October week off.

River Cottage and it's new series beckons ( I do enjoy Hugh F-W programmes soooo much) as do a few chores to finish first!

Sunday 12 September 2010

Ducal "goings on" ...

The Copplestone Castings 10mm figs arrived a few days ago- wargs,warg riders and the hero pack- LOTR fellowship, Conan etc. Small but perfectly formed as Eric Morecambe might say...

Jan's chemo starts on Tuesday and we are glad to be starting it.

I have updated my 54mm toy soldier/ Little Wars blog with some evocative photos and a caption competition. I would love you all to enter and please follow the link to my Army Red/White Blog- comments always welcome!

I am rather tired for reading but having been reading around late 15th century town defence for a further ongoing project. I am still enjoying the medieval time traveller guide and sat down last night to watch episode one of Inspector Morse ( one of thirty three...) from a recent dvd purchase. It lived up to our expectations and I thoroughly recommend it to one and all.

Friday 3 September 2010


We were at the Western General Hospital yesterday . Jan is to have 6 sessions of chemo with 3(or so) weeks in between each one . We await a word from the hospital as to when this begins- hopefully the 15th September . The road goes ever on ,as they say, but we move forward together positively and with hope...

Talking of Tolkien, my 46 audio cd unabridged version of of The Lord of the Rings arrived today. I am often too tired of late to read and I hope this will help me chill in the evening. May well be a good inspiration to paint by too.

I have sent for bases for my halflings and am investigating the opposition- wars and goblins. I am most taken by the Copplestone 10mm fantasy range and they are leading contenders at present. Plans are starting to form in my mind for the hobbit's stronghold for Hordes of the Things and I will put paper to pen soon.

If I move forward well with the albatross around my neck ( CfE new planning formats for school) I may have time to commit my one page 18th century rules to paper. When finished I will post them for your comments and suggestions.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

The road goes ever on...

I have finally succumbed...

I have avoided buying Tolkien inspired figures for some days of late. I have combed the web ,weighed up the options and come down upon the side of 10mm! A new scale indeed for me and I hope my eyes are up to it. I have sent for 74 Pendraken Halflings in army pack form. They will form a Hordes of the Things army. One of the deciding factors was I felt I could do the Shire greater justice in 10mm than in 28mm!
I am eagerly awaiting them- even though the company suggested 21 days!!!! My Shire militia will battle against goblins and perhaps wargs . Let battle commence- soonish that is.

Sunday 29 August 2010

Updates etc

I couldn't resist these super travel posters ( combining two of my favourite types of images- vintage travel posters and LOTR/Hobbit inspired stuff ) by Steve Thomas. I hope you enjoy them...

On the Jan front she is getting stronger and trying to be good in the sense of resisting doing too much around the house. We heard from the hospital with results this week and heard that a course of treatment over 18 to 24 weeks will get things sorted. We go to the Western General on Thursday to hear the exact pathway ahead. We are all doing well and ,although tired , are moving forward well together...

Oh thanks for all the interest in T.T.F.N- do please send in your ideas- Steve has already done so and I am working on mine as we speak!

Tuesday 24 August 2010


Oh no not another one I hear you cry- wrg,wab,dbm,dba,dbmm,fog etc etc etc! Well this one is my invention for a little project for me. It stands for Tiny Tabletop Field of Mars...

This is my self imposed quest - to write a very simple,brief,old school vibe, mid 18th century rules for a 6 foot by 3 foot dining table (hence tiny table) like the one here at home.

I intend to use small units and have the rules on one side of A4 paper if possible . Such a project is great for mulling over during odd moments of the day.I hope to commit thoughts to paper asap.



p.s if anyone would like to join in with their thoughts or even A4 contribution that would be great!I loook forward to your ideas


I am delighted to show the photos of Danish Guardsmen
referred to by Stephen in a comment to my last post but one. These stout fellows look most impressive and I hope you enjoy them.
The week is hardly started and I feel I could do with the weekend already!
Off to work very soon so will leave it here- have a good day one and all.