Tuesday 28 May 2013

Reasons to buy Swedish Part 1 ( apologies to Ian Dury for the title...)

I have followed the coming of these splendid 28 mm Swedish figures for some time-
Hopefully they will be available soonish and I have been thinking of ideas to use them for-

  1.  As Lutherans for the League - Swedish troops coming to support their Anglican League chums in the VBCW under their leader  Prof Yngve Brilioth of the University of Lund
  2. As troops sent by the Swedish Monarchy to aid Edward viii
  3. A raiding party in 1938 to land in the Scottish isles
  4. A continuation of tension between Norway and Sweden - an imaginary refight of  the issues of 1905 
  5. To form part of an interwar army for the Duchy of Tradgardland or to form opponents for it
  6. Some sort of Swedish Civil War scenario - still need to do loads more research on this one
This is as far as I have got.As ever I would really like to hear your ideas and suggestions.So over to you...

Friday 24 May 2013

A visitor

 Captain Sir William Widdrington of Her Majesty's Observer Corps has ridden far through the forest. He has seen the elk and boar and heard the eagles  cry in the sky above the dense canopy.
He has just consulted his map,taken his position by the midday sun and has finished his final mouthful of gin from his flask.He is now certain that he is on the borders of the Duchy of Tradgardland (his first stop on a long journey) and will make Tradgardstadt  after a few more hours ride. Once there he will present his credentials to Duke Albert who is expecting him...

Monday 20 May 2013


Well I am coming to the end of three and a half days off work. On Friday in preparation for some fencing work I completed the following holes working en famile-

Saturday saw me buying paint and brush for some hobby work.However due to feeling exhausted I did nothing with them but dozed at home while the rain lashed down. I think I must have some viral thingy.
I have been enjoying the Indian Premier League of late and the Sunrisers in particular.Delivery was taken over the weekend of some nostalgia-laden artillery for FLW-
as well as an extremely efficient Britains 25 pdr.
Sunday saw me with hardly any energy but I enjoyed the exciting cricket from India and the start of the RHS Centenary coverage from Chelsea. I am delighted to see they have relented and allowed gnomes in this year.In honour of this I am posting a picture of a 50 year old pottery gnome I chose as a very young chap-
 Today Monday saw me cutting the grass,bailing out rain from the postholes and taking delivery of a super book by H G Wells-
Floor Games preceeded Little Wars by a few years and is still well worth a read.Many ideas to be had...
By the end of the day my joiner and his son had made us a splendid gate and fence to give a little more privacy and a place to grow Clematis and other climbers up. In around 16 days work will begin here on an extension but more of that anon. Off soon to watch today's coverage from Chelsea and begin to gird my loins for tomorrow's in-service day of communal and individual navel gazing - SQUIP (standards and quality improvement plan ?) folowed by PRD preparation. It's worse than reading DBMM for accesabilty and clarity of thought...
Apologies to Mr Barker but you know where I am coming from I imagine!

Sunday 12 May 2013


Awoke around five with my mind filled with things I need to do for work over the next few weeks and beyond .I got up at six to distract myself.I am getting into that "sleeping less and less the more tired I get" cycle again and just feel exhausted all the time. Waking at nights unable to get off again and fretting.Here we go again...
Anyway I had a good time at Carronade yesterday.I met folk from my Edinburgh Uni &Legion Club days and it was good to see them. A number of games particularly caught my eye- A VBCW game with a great terrain and figures, a 54mm AWI battle which looked impressive and an ancients game in 28mm of an attack upon the Antonine Wall.
Purchases were limited to bases and movement trays for my 54mm FLW armies ( Warbases came up trumps again) and a copy of the new Osprey steampunk rules for some solo gaming.I have enough bits and bobs lying around in the garage to give them a whirl. My regular opponent bought Killer Katanas ii to move towards gaming the Japenese invasion of Korea in 28mm.I have the beginnings of a Ming army in 28mm and in time will add to it.I had a super lunch back at his house and a chance to look through the rules and the Korean supplement too.A good day out.
I had hoped to paint/base this morning but am too tired to even begin.We will see what the day brings...

Friday 10 May 2013

Carronade 2013

Off to Carronade 2013 Wargames Show in Falkirk tomorrow with a friend.Anyone going?

Tuesday 7 May 2013


Back to work after the long weekend and the sun comes out today! It was good to be off. Amongst other things I was preparing the ground for a forthcoming extension to the Ducal Palace. Red chippings needed to be moved and the ground laid bare for the foundations.
Also the grass was cut for the first time this year.A busy but enjoyable time was had in the garden.
On my return from work today I discovered that Army Red /White had finally marched home-thanks Paul!
They had marched to Camberley,got delayed by the Post Office and now had made their way North once more to the Duchy.It is good to see them back.
Here they can be seen leaving their box- a carrier pigeon released to take a message to Headquarters at Thun Castle,the flag planted and two cavalrymen stand vigilent beside it.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Little Wars Centenary Part the First...

Evening all!
As Tim Gow has already posted an excellent introduction to the weekend in terms of people involved and armies used I will restrict myself to showing my photos and commenting about them.Pop over to Tims's blog here-

.Firstly to say I was rather disappointed that Army Red/White were not at the event.Although posted in time they did not get there due to some Postal Issues.The good news is that they have not got lost and will be sent back here soon.Big apologies to Al Front whose figures therefore did not get an outing.At least they are safe.
Don't forget to click on the photos to enlarge them...
Paul Wright very kindly furnished me with an Army Red for the duration of the weekend consisting of Naval Brigade types and sundry British troops in the form of cavalry and cyclists.They are pictured above with  a solitary Swiss figure ( brought down by plane by me and bought around 1970 in Switzerland,a composition material figure)  I used as my sniper. The photos are of the first game which was the battle of Hook's Farm- note splendid ecclesiastical building on table. Due to inclement weather we played the game inside in the glorious Mess which was fascinating to see.
Here is an incident from the game where my plucky cyclists were about to charge a limbered gatling gun...
Army Red cavalry in the process of securing the church which was their objective. On the other side of the building my opponent's chaps were doing the same...
Note plucky Naval Brigade in support and Staff at the rear not to mention my sniper opening fire around the corner. A very close game indeed and great fun .Further photos and comments later.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

May Day

A Happy May Day from all in the Duchy of Tradgardland. May the sun shine upon you as you celebrate...
Whatever Blogger indicates it is actually now May here in the Duchy.