Saturday 25 June 2016

Sunshine and showery in the Duchy

Summer has come to the Duchy of Tradgardland and the foxgloves are in bloom. Today is very mixed weatherwise. I am painting and listening to Glastonbury ( the Editors were excellent and currently listening to an enjoyable group with a guitarist/singer in a gold dress but I don't know her name nor the name of the band) as the rain hits off the glass roof-
Painting some ECW minifigs for Portable ECW games-

Saturday 11 June 2016

The portable TYW wargame?

Whilst reading the English version of this-
I began to wonder what changes would need to be made to the portable ecw wargame rules to use them in the TYW?

Wednesday 8 June 2016


Weather has been very sunny of late in the Duchy of Tradgardland. We have been enjoying some outdoor games such as Kubb-
Last night I had a most enjoyable game of Frostgrave replete with statues coming to life and an annoying red imp in a bottle thrown at my chaps-
The inevitable fog spell used too,this time in a confined area.
 Escaping with the treasure towards the end of the game. The constructs proved very tricky to destroy,if almost impossible. Frostgrave is a most enjoyable game,do give it a go if you haven't played it yet- you won't regret it!