Sunday 30 May 2010

Oh no the bicorne beckons again...

Picture the scene -I an in my local news agent and my eyes alight upon the latest edition of "Wargames Illustrated" which offers a free Osprey book- who could resist? Actually it was a very interesting one upon the subject of Napoleons Guard ,not to mention the interesting articles on 1806, Germany in the Napoleonic wars and von Dornberg in the magazine itself...
In the past I have looked at what might have happened to the Duchy in the Napoleonic period- invaded possibly by the British en route to Copenhagen in 1807. Now I am tempted to explore 1806 and the potentialities of Tradgradland co-operating with the Danes in Schewig- Holstein in the event of a French invasion...
I have Danish figures aplenty and some ideas but can I stop myself plunging into another (albeit long term) project?

Sunday 23 May 2010

A fruitful day

Yesterday I took the bus to Glasgow. I attended an event ( partly work ,partly personal interest related) called "Fruitful Harvest" which was about apple orchards. It proved to be an inspirational day on the hottest day of the year yet. Speakers shared knowledge ,interests and enthusiasms to the benefit of all.
One showed PowerPoint images of 18th century town maps from Scotland and pointed out how prevalent orchards were in the urban environment. She took the research in Glasgow to more recent times and showed us maps of where orchards were up to more recent times...
It was an excellent day and reminded me ,amongst other things, of how good it would be to see more orchards modelled upon the wargames table!
I am currently exhausted with work, and consequently painting and modelling have ground almost to a halt. Yesterday revived my spirits,encouraged me to grow more of my own food and reminded me a day will come again soon when I will have some energy once more!

Friday 7 May 2010

Writing Slope...

The figure extracted all the contents of the writing slope and laid them carefully to one side . He poured over the centuries old map of the City he had retained on the table.
A smile crossed his face and he reached for his pipe,filling it with infinite care whilst his thoughts were far,far away...

Wednesday 5 May 2010

At night...

In the Clock tower,high upon the City's walls,the Town Watch have their headquarters. From the tower they can observe the comings and goings by land and by sea...
The Tempus Guild ( responsible for all mechanical and water clocks in the City) share the tower also. Their rooms are lower down in quality as well as in position. For the first time in 231 years the positions of Guild Master and Watch Master are held by the same person- Cornelius von Stranzlach.
Now ,under the cover of the night, in a room filled with tobacco smoke and ceiling high papers , Cornelius lifts down his travelling writing slope and turns the key in the ivory lock. He looks around and listens intently prior to carefully withdrawing the drawer....

Tuesday 4 May 2010

City State.

Welcome to the Imperial City of Weltschmerz - Hammerklavier,which finds herself to be located within the Duchy of Tradgardland by a strange quirk of fate...

Come with me on a journey into a city of fascinations and contradictions. Learn of the local customs and find out about the local forces. The Prince Bishop welcomes you one and all.

These are interesting days in Weltschmerz-Hammerklavier for the city is about to become a thorn in the flesh that is the Duchy of Tradgardland!

You are invited to click upon the accompanying woodcut to see the city in all her majesty and glory.

Over the coming weeks we will walk her alleyways together and meet the bizarre ,the profane and the saintly - come with us friends the gates are closing,night falls and we are beckoned inside.