A friend asked me a while back if I would like to help him put on a game of Sharp Practice at a Lardy event . I said yes as I had the rules and wanted to help. I didn’t know the SP rules well at all but l read up a wee bit. So the day of the event came round yesterday and l got the train to Musselburgh where it was held. Some pictures-
Getting unpacked and organised. The game was set in the War of 1812.Another table at the event. Interesting looking marker for tracking morale as well as a great looking table.
Our game players and the game organiser on right.
Table next to us was ww2 . I was particularly interested in the organising of units on a side table.
Some in game shots with advancing troops going along a road…
Failed selfie by this blog’s owner. Game in progress.
The attack on the fort and artillery emplacement. Smoke and noise.
A unit takes casualties . I can’t recall which unit it was but it was a regular one.
The artillery placement and fort.
Troops massed ready to engage the fort and its defenders.