Tuesday 25 June 2024


 I was in London at the weekend for the Episcopal Ordination of Bishop David, the new Ordinary of  the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. 

I also had time to have a good old wander about. I really enjoy a dérive in London and love looking upwards at the ever interesting cityscape.I am fascinated by the buildings of London, for example this fire station-

For more info see this link- https://manchesterhistory.net/architecture/1920/firestation.html

Another building was this one-

More info here-https://lookup.london/tj-boulting-sons-fitzrovia/

En route to Daunt Books l popped into the Wallace Collection-

Always an interesting place to stop by and have a good, close look at armour and weapons from the past.
On Sunday en route to Warwick Street l saw this famous blue plaque-

I recall seeing the  footage of the Beatles playing here . https://www.savilerowbespoke.com/2019/05/beatles-blue-plaque/
A good trip with good weather, which always helps.
Off to ancient Sumer for a zoom game tonight, can’t wait!


  1. Enjoyable London foray, Alan. Looking to today’s Sumerian clash as well.

  2. Nice pictures Alan. I thought I recognised that fire station building.
    Thanks to your last pic I now have ‘Get Back’ earworming its way through my head 😆. I am old enough to remember that gig.
