Sunday 27 January 2008

Weekend in Tradgardland.........

Karl Frederick has gained much from the last few days- the company of an inspiring figure like Kant, the first emergent signs of Spring and a distancing from him of the dark days of weeks gone by.

Kant left this morning by Ducal coach , accompanied by an escort of hussars. He leaves with memories of good company and intellectual debate. He expounded his theory of galaxies, discussed tactics - a fascinating but new science for the great philosopher and made a firm friend in Duke Karl Frederick. Kant hopes to return soon and address the Ducal Society.

Liv and Alisona have listened to the debates long into the night , offering their own views and taking new thoughts on board. A knock comes to the door and a communication is handed to the Ducal family concerning matters military...............

Thursday 24 January 2008

A visitor

The Duke is rather excited - a good thing after the sorrowful days he has had lately. A visitor is expected tonight a man of learning and wisdom - Herr Kant of Konigsberg. Herr Kant has written recently about the Universe and galaxies in particular. The Duke ,after a correspondence lasting some weeks , has asked Herr Kant to stay for a few days so that they might converse at length. A knock comes to the study door and the footman announces the arrival of Herr Kant. He is ushered into the presence of the Duke. Karl Frederick's face lights up and the two men warmly shake hands.Herr Kant is smiling too.

Wednesday 23 January 2008

The garden

The Duke and Duchess are walking in the garden - it is a mild and dry day between gales and heavy frost. The garden is a haven amidst the affairs of state. Liv has had the humiliating task of dictating letters to expected guests telling of the cancellation of celebrations at Candlemas. Karl Frederick has spoken with his closest members of Council and other of worth and substance. All are united behind the Duke and Duchess and are playing their part allaying the fears of the good people of the Duchy.

The afternoon's reverie is interrupted by the unexpected arrival of of the Duc de Padirac - a welcome face at this troubled time . He brings sketches of the rock-bound creatures he has unearthed along the coast. The three lose themselves in the moment and the pain and sorrow is for some time forgot...

Monday 21 January 2008

Le Duc de Padirac

The Legione Tradgardland is commanded by the Duc de Padirac. A Frenchman by birth he takes his title from the Gouffre de Padirac in the Dordogne where his family has lived for generations.
The gouffre ( see picture) is a vast hole in the ground leading to caverns vast and glorious. It is down here that the Duc began his career as a proto paleontologist and where his fascinating collection of objects ( see picture ) were found.
After a particularly unpleasant argument and subsequent duel with a local Abbe the Duc left the country of his birth and wandered eventually to the Duchy of Tradgardland. After hastily acquired skills ,obtained by correspondence with the infamous Baron von Trenck, the Duc offered to raise a legione for the Duchy of Tradgardland- a process he has nearly finished.A close friend from The Ducal Society (the Duke Karl Frederick himself) described him as saintly,miserly,totally loyal,handsome,idle and sluggish , with no martial aptitude whatsoever! The Duc is a regular at meetings of the Society where his papers upon a variety of subjects are eagerly anticipated.The Legione is yet to fight - perhaps this will change in 1758.
A painting of the Duc is pictured below showing him portrayed as a thinker and polymath with a penchant for eastern exotic attire.This may or may not be reflected in the uniform of the Legione Tradgardland...

From a memo to Duke Karl Frederick....

The Army of The Duchy of Tradgardland January 1758

On Shetland : 800 men and 6 cannon in two battalions - commanded by Von Genson.
In the Duchy :1st and 2nd Brigades commanded by Von Hertzog and Baron D'Orval -2000 men.
Cavalry Brigade : 300 Heavy Cavalry,320 Dragoons commanded by Von Rasmussen.160 huzzars commanded by Von Esterhazy.
Legione Tradgardland - 500 men commanded by Duc de Padirac.
Artillery Train and general pyrotechnics - Major MacKay and unknown number of artificers

Sunday 20 January 2008

Proclamations across the Duchy:the heralds speak.

" ...... and so to end with, the Duke has now told you,his loyal subjects, of the change of decision by the Holy Father and asks for your continuing service ,prayers and loyalty. God save the Duke!"
The herald closes the door and descends the tower. Even through the walls of cold and ancient stone the crowds cheers of "Long live the Duke-God preserve him!" can be heard resounding across the square.
In the Palace the Duke and Duchess hear the sound, moving them to tears of joy and sorrow....
There will be no arguing against the decsion,no bitterness, nothing but a facing of a different tomorrow than might have been.

Saturday 19 January 2008

A conversation betwixt Duchess and Duke....

Perhaps it is for the best - we do not know what this year may bring for the Duchy,dearest.
Yes, Tradgardland is at the centre of things and always must be.Our loyalty to the Holy See is paramount in all we are and do under Heaven.
We have our daughter returned to us,husband dear,the future of our family must be secured .There is much to think about. We are now joint rulers so let me take some of the burden of state from you . We must talk and plan but the night is far gone,tomorrow is soon enough.
You are indeed right as ever my dear. Let us to bed before the dawn breaks . This letter means nothing,nothing at all - you and Tradgardland are everything!

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Night Watch

The Tradgardland night watch are gearing up for the Celebrations at Candlemass. By night they are ever vigilant in their patrols of the capital city. All has been quiet but tonight is different......

A Watchman has found a body lying in an alleyway. He checks the papers upon the man and ascertains he is a Stagonian . The watchman unfurls some folded papers and begins to read......................

Thursday 10 January 2008

Ny Tradgardland

The shores of Ny Tradgardland have been rocked by storms this week. The people huddle in their houses and try to keep warm Round the fire the men carve golden herrings from bone as if keeping the memories of the homeland alive. The women make and mend the clothes and fishing nets. Guns are overhauled and prepared for the campaign season ahead. After all we are one more day nearer to Spring......

Tuesday 8 January 2008

An invitation to the Ducal Society

The Secretary of the Ducal Society looks up from his reading -The September 23, 1757 issue of The New Hampshire Gazette in which he had just read the following-
"[Last] Tuesday in the afternoon John Childs, who had given public notice of his intention to fly from the steeple of Dr. Cutler's Church, performed it to the satisfaction of a great number of spectators; and Wednesday in the afternoon he again performed it twice; the last time he set off with two pistols loaded, one of which discharged in his descent, the other missing fire, he cocked and snapped again before he reached the place prepared to receive him. It is supposed from the steeple to the place where the rope was fixed was about 700 feet upon a slope, and that he was about 16 & 18 seconds performing it each time. As these performances led many people from their business, he is forbid flying any more in the town. The said Childs says he has flown from the highest steeples in England, and off the Monument, by the Duke of Cumberland's Desire."
On putting the paper down he was struck by the thought that the aforementioned gentleman show be invited to address the learned society this year.His whereabouts having been ascertained a letter was duly dispatched forthwith.

Monday 7 January 2008


In the cathedral today a High Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Max for enthronement ceremony of Duke Karl Frederick and Duchess Liv as joint rulers over the Duchy of Tradgardland and Schwartz - Tradgardland.

The packed Cathedral heard a specially composed Mass written by the Court Composer Axel von Lejre-Koge . Castrato singers had been hired from across Europa for this glittering occasion and their unearthly music reached heavenwards.

The Guests retired to the Banqueting Hall where a glittering evening was enjoyed by all into the deep night.

Saturday 5 January 2008


It is Epiphany in the Duchy of Tradgardland. In homes (and in the life sized cribs found on street corners and in the cathedral ) the figures of the Magi are added to the the cribs. On the streets the boy star singers sing carols to raise money for those in need. Around the towns and villages they go, through the snowy streets, their songs floating through the night air and mingling with the snowflakes as they fall.

Families gather to eat together and to follow the story of the journey of the Three Kings. The Duke and Duchess eat amidst the colour and bussel of the court. Star Singers are ushered into the banqueting hall which falls silent as the boys begin to sing. It is a special night for all. The traditional greeting May the wisdom ,joy and steadfastness of the Kings be with you and your Household! is exchanged everywhere. It is the Ducal greeting to you readers everywhere too!

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Raid into Tradgardland - a BAR trial game

The imperium Raiding force consisted of a squadron of dragoons and one of cuirssers.They were accompanied by two units of croats ready to plunder and a medium field gun. The Duchy managed to field two infantry battalions and a small unit of Legione Tradgardland Jaeger. The first picture shows the start of the game.

The croats advanced to secure the enclosure but were opposed by the Jaeger. Whilst this occurred the artillery opened up upon the Duchy infantry causing casualties and great concern!

The Imperium cavalry decided to charge the Duchy infantry ,were fired upon in the process. A furious melee ensued!

The melee ended in the cavalry routing off the field the end was nigh for the Raiding party!

An aerial view of the end of the battle! An enjoyable learning experience!