Sunday 21 March 2010

10-18 july 1762 Reitzenstein's raid into Bohemia

Well I have had time to digest Duffy's book,or at least some of it. Let me tell you (although I guess many of you will already know) that it is crammed with incident detail and just the sort of period flavour we chaps like! It has inspired me to have a go at doing some opposition troops to my Austrians - namely some Prussians and cossacks and maybe other Russians...

We are talking about that small segment of the syw when the Pussians and Russians were chums! I was attracted at the idea of cossacks demanding money with menaces,the citizens of Prague barricading the gates and hauling cannon onto the ramparts! All in all a small project with lots of local colour and some interesting "what ifs..."

Last Monday saw my first wargame of the year- Civilis revolt of the ad60's which pitched Germanic tribesmen and Roman Auxilia turned native against the might of Rome! Needless to say I (the Romans) succumbed to the enemy and were driven off the table. Please excuse the rather blurry photos posted to give some flavour!

Sunday 14 March 2010

The weekend...

This weekend has seen excellent weather,good food and the garden beginning to be shaken from its winter slumber...

On the hobby front Duffy's newish book looks great and arrived today at 8.30 a.m as we were about to go to church. The book is beautifully produced and looks as if it contains some fascinating battles that are new to me. I could not resist posting some of my Austrian cavalry here too ,having beeen inspired by the cover.

On the painting front I managed a 1938 league of Andrew standard bearer from the Boarhills L.D.V - made up of agricultural workers including this splendid fellow who sports a rather antiquated steel helmet!

Today we had confirmation of our Summer hols booking - a cottage South of York which looks beautiful. Very near to Towton - aprox eight miles. I can't wait for the summer!

Sunday 7 March 2010


The birthday weekend continued with Jan's birthday today- albeit less than my half century.
The girls made another excellent meal and we had a super day again...
I have posted photos of the cake they made us for our birthdays. Below are the "guest figures" sent by fellow bloggers to serve in the Duke of Tradgardland's bodyguard. It is hoped that they will serve well again in the forthcoming campaign season...
The two figures photographed by the wicker basket were painted and scuplted by that talented fellow who hails from Luteland...
I have around 50 of his superb figures awaiting painting and hope to paint them soon. Anyway back to work tomorrow- it has been a good two days...

Saturday 6 March 2010

50 not out...

Well my 50th has arrived....
Celebrations began with a meal at my mother's yesterday with the family.On my return,through the letterbox, were Crusader's new rules "Rate of Fire" and some of those exquisite figures made by Musketeer Miniatures. Rules look interesting and vbcw figures are detailed almost beyond belief.

Jan and the girls gave me this magnificant Writing box/slope circa 1790. It is of the type that was used for travelling and military purposes. I am delighted with it and can only imagine what letters,despatches and much,much more it has seen written upon it's surface. The box features a drawer at the side fixed with a brass pin and a well for pens and ink. It is the sort of accessory which inspires writing and lifts the process to another level.

My school colleagues gave me a sugar paste figure( made by Arlene our Office Manager) depicting me in my role as Eco coordinator surrounded by good terrain. It was accompanied by some fine ales such as Hobgoblin.

Claire,our friend , gave me this super mixed media picture framed in lime washed wood. It has a place upon our walls already. If you wish to see more of her amazing artwork she has the following website-
Do drop by and see for yourself...

Jan and I had coffee up town, a look around the shops and a most pleasant time together. This was preceded by the removal of my Winter Beard by a most skillful Turkish barber. It has indeed been a super birthday so far!

Thursday 4 March 2010

Plans afoot...

Those familiar with the Duchy of Tradgardland will no doubt be familiar with the way that its borders are ones which define space and time - a conceit upon my part to create a variety of " bit part" countries to battle upon the tabletop . Need one mention Skogsmork,Saschen-Vindow et al...
The imagination of a Very British Civil War ( alternative 1938 for those in not in the know yet) has enthused me to paint and create flags/background there. I wish also to capture some of that enthusiasm and take it into the 18th Century.

Perhaps I am wrong ,perhaps in reality these are merely countries which have not been focused upon and which will fall under the spotlight in years to come once more. Whatever the truth is I am resolved to create yet another enemy for Duke Frederick and the Ducal army. I have the urge to create more characters ( Tony Bath's table for resolving such issues awaits on the book shelf) to design more flags and have figures awaiting painting. My excitement is mounting and ideas are beginning to form. You,dear reader, will be the first to hear of plans afoot...
It has been a long week under par but lighter days and the sun have lifted my spirits... The other week Der Alte noticed my skip behind a picture of that sadly forgotten herb Alexanders. Here is the result of my work and the skip's presence - a garage empty of rubbish and a skip full of junk. A good job done...
Little hobby progress .Lots of planning on the train and some hastily scribbled notes. As ever I have enjoyed the world of EvE and GWP3- super inspirational stuff as ever on both. I hope to do some figures over the weekend and just chill,recharge batteries and return to form.
I started a most interesting book by Martin Pugh yesterday about the 1930s and the intere war period "Hurrah for the Blackshirts"- well worth a read whatever one's interests...
Thursday calls - have a good one. More at the weekend including pics of the Writing box!