Sunday 26 March 2017

Potting Bench 2

I have a potting bench in the garden which comes in handy. Today I bought another in Aldi's and customised it a tad-
assisted by my eldest daughter the project moved forward-
Paint was added then Railway scenic paper and artificial grass from Aldi's got some time ago.
Finally some inspiration for a late 17th century garden for the Duchy of Tradgardland which I intend to build on this table/board/set up
.All in all I am pleased with this wee project to provide an area to game /model in which can remain up.

Saturday 25 March 2017

The sun has got his pickelhaube on ,hip ,hip ,hip hooray

Been a tad low on the morale front of late ( 3 ones on 3 D6 ) but a little brighter today. I enjoyed reading Conrad's article on al fresco gaming in the latest issue of Miniature Wargames whilst having a cup of tea in the garden. I also watched Army Black's Spring maneuvers-

Sunday 5 March 2017

Heinz etc

Tomorrow will see my Heinz birthday and Tuesday would have been Jan's 55th. It is a mixed time for us here. When Jan and I first met it seemed a splendid conceit for us to have birthdays on following days but over time it  felt like it would have been more fun to spread the fun out over the year.
57 varieties seems an appropriate number - the number of projects I have currently on the go hobby wise :), the diversity of books around me as I type and of course my age.Also I must say that there are 57 and more blogs which I read regularly for entertainment,enjoyment and inspiration.
The girls made a splendid meal last night and I look forward to presents today including the latest John Curry book on Lionel Tarr. Tomorrow and Tuesday will see me thankfully in work with the 57 varieties ( no offence meant) that make up a school. 57 not out I say!
p.s anyone watching SS GB on BBC1? I found it a tad slow at the start but have warmed to it greatly.
p.p.s does anyone recall a novel about Britain losing the war and people being sent over from Canada(?) as agents to the fallen UK? I really enjoyed it years ago and would like to read it again.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

A grid of offset squares for the Portable Wargame

I have tried squares and I have tried hexagons so I thought I would try something different-
I set it up using a paper board ,some wooden houses and my late 19th Century/Early 20th Century Scandinavian armies using Airfix 20mm plastic soldiers. Not to mention an elk for local colour.