Sunday 28 August 2016


This Tuesday coming (30th August) will be exactly a year since my wife Jan died. It has been quite a year but myself and the girls have got through it. Milestones have been passed and still to come (Anna's 21st next month) including the girls going off once more to university very soon. I miss my best friend dearly.
Hopefully more posts soon and some updates on my erratic hobby progress,at times recently my heart has just been in it .

Thursday 4 August 2016

Suggestions sought for collective nouns for orcs...

I have been basing orcs of late-
I was wondering what would be a collective noun for orcs?
What do you think?Here's a rather lame starter- a snarl of orcs!

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Time flies

Can't believe my youngest,Freya,is nineteen today!

Not traditional Tradgardland headgear by the way.