Thursday 31 October 2019

Scandinavian Bronze Age

 The release of the Perry figures coincided with a holiday to Denmark  some years ago as well as seeing the Lur horns for the first time in the bronze, so to speak. I hadn’t visited the National Museum of Denmark’s  collection from that period for many years until the weekend . I was delighted with what l saw, good interpretive panels and a animation of the Sun chariot which begins by plunging the room into darkness then lights it up with moving figures from rock carvings . Words don’t do it justice, go there and press the button, or better still let a child do it and see their wonderment.P.s  outdoor dining photo slipped in by mistake, just ignore it, thanks.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Rosenborg Castle

We visited Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen on Sunday. It is a fascinating place ,well worth a visit. The paintings provided really good depictions of 17th century uniforms and the Tapestries in the throne room are full of details of the Scanian wars. Some were depicted as illustrations in books l have but many were new to me. Combined with some incredible parade armour and saddles, not to mention Crown Jewels and lovely gardens a visitor needs to leave plenty time to appreciate it all.

Sunday 27 October 2019


I bought these today-
The tapestry book was bought at Rosenborg slot. I was really taken by the tapestries in the throne room of Christian V  and his victories in the Scanian War. I took photos of some and the book shows more. I couldn’t resist this new Osprey. Ok I could have got it a wee bit cheaper at home but it was special to have bought it in Denmark. I look forward to looking at these later. Just back from the Tivoli and off for something to eat.

Saturday 26 October 2019

The Duke of Tradgardland

The Duke was sighted in the Royal Danish Arsenal today-

Thursday 24 October 2019

In the morning

Off to the Duchy of Tradgardland tomorrow, can’t wait.
Poster ( circa 1932) is from the  Tradgardland Museum  of Transport , Tradgardstadt. 

Monday 21 October 2019

Scouting in the Village -more play testing.

Been solo play-testing today: in the top two pictures we see Arthur practising for his Observation badge. The coins represent other scouts sneaking up on him using their stealth capability. Some coins are blanks to add confusion. The observation capability is compared with the stealth capability and dice score added. If Arthur has a higher score combined compared to his stealthy opponent he spots them and vice versa. Arthur did well and has passed another test.
In the lower two photos we see a wide game taking place. Each scout has a life ( band of coloured wool around his arm) if he loses it he must return to base ( bigger silver coin) to get another. Mission is to touch the enemy’s patrol flag on their base. When they meet an opponent they try to break the woollen band, each dices and the highest wins. It was a fast and furious game with the Red patrol eventually winning. A useful morning’s gaming and fun too

Saturday 19 October 2019


A couple of photos on things l am working on ...
 Homecasts bought via eBay,very heavy and quite basic figures but charming too. I have painted  them as a Homeguard platoon. There are more similar figures and other in action poses in tin helmets to be painted. Figures are 54mm.
Below are some Chintoys conquistadors with a Del Prado mounted figure. Again 54mm l have used cheap coasters to base them on. I hope to use them with Irregular wars,conflict at the World’s end rules.

Wide Games

The two patrols gather at the village church eager to see what the Wide game will be today. A Girl Scout has come along eager to join in.
Figures are 60mm homecasts to be used as part of the ongoing rules trials ( see for more info. Girl Scout converted from other Scout figures with glue and tissue paper. Church built from breakfast biscuit boxes and card.

Monday 14 October 2019

Currently painting- 54mm flat plastic Medieval Russians

l am very pleased with these 54mm flat figures of Medieval Russians. They are in hard plastic and hold acrylic paint well with only a detergent watery bath.
They were fun to paint and are charming. I really like the arrows embedded in the shields or at the feet of figures. There are quite a variety to be found on eBay. Are there any books or magazine articles on these splendid fellows and their plastic kin?

Thursday 10 October 2019