Many thanks for your really helpful comments and emails. I have tried to take your suggestions onboard. I finished a project using a forthcoming game to work towards. This was my VBCW Army. They took the field on Monday and lost in what was a most enjoyable game. I painted some 54mm old toy soldiers and moved them along. I am trying to enjoy this great hobby of ours and not the opposite. A question,l bought these years ago painted. I rarely used them. Does anyone recognise the manufacturer and who they are painted as?
The adventures of an 18th century imagination, located in Northern Europe formerly ruled over by joint rulers Duke Karl Frederick and Duchess Liv.Not to mention the American colony of Ny Tradgardland the 17th century Colony of New Tradgardstadt and the newly restored territory of the Shetland Isles. Featuring a supporting bill of gaming in a diversity of times,places and scales.Hopefully something to interest all who pop by...
Wednesday 31 October 2018
Saturday 20 October 2018
Where we are now
Don’t get me wrong l have really enjoyed games l have played , my walks and my short course etc recently and been stimulated by them. Yet I not sure what to do next hobby wise about my malaise.
Saturday 6 October 2018
New recruits
A couple of machine guns and crews for my Interwar project.
New gun crew with a Britains gun ( still in good matchstick firing order) l retained from my 1960s childhood.
Once l can get some spare Britains arms and heads with tin helmets to repair my broken figures l will be able to get this project moving onto the tabletop.
Friday 5 October 2018
Meanwhile in the Empire...
Thursday 4 October 2018
One of the joys of being retired is to do something a little different. I have started taking a weekly short course at the University of Edinburgh. Here l am at home reading the notes we are given-
This term l am looking at Medieval Manuscripts and illumination. It is a fascinating course with an excellent lecturer and people willing to discuss whilst sharing their insights. This week the theme was about the process of manuscript production. I learned a great deal about the practicalities of medieval life and art. Fascinating indeed.
One of my wargaming projects l am working on is using “Song of Shadows and Dust” by Ganesha Games to depict small scale conflict between different factions in a late medieval town. There will be inter guild rivalry, the Night Watch and other parties. The rules were first published in 2013 and l have long wanted to use them. Well worth checking out for gaming the “break down in civil order which plagued the great cities of the Mediterranean in the first century BC, these rules are suitable for any pre modern setting from Babylon to Bruges “ as the blurb on the back says. They are based on the “Songs of Blades and Heroes “ system. I hope to use the knowledge gained from my course to add flavour to both factions and scenarios.
Come Spring l will being doing a course on the art of fifteenth century Burgundy,can’t wait.