Saturday 6 October 2018

New recruits 


A couple of machine guns and crews for my Interwar project.

New gun crew with a Britains gun ( still in good matchstick firing order) l retained from my 1960s childhood.

Once l can get some spare Britains arms and heads with tin helmets  to repair my broken figures l will be able to get this project moving onto the tabletop.


  1. Very nostalgic photos , I can remember having some of these hollow cast figures as a child - they sadly did not survive .

    1. Many of my childhood plastic toy soldiers were buried in forts l dug in the garden. I like to think they are still there...

  2. I too have a couple of that very same gun from childhood in the 1970s stored carefully away with the rest of my soldier things from that era. Mine came with several small red plastic pellets for firing back before everyone was so hysterical about health and safety standards. Wonder if the guns are still in working order?

    Best Regards,


    1. Find the gun and give it a go,you know you want to. Having a child is a great excuse to revisit such things...

  3. Some fine figures, good to know they've found a home where they'll be played with instead of just gathering dust in a glass case.

    1. Thanks Brian, it is important to me that they are getting an outing and are in use.
