Monday 29 July 2019

Wanted Picts! S range or other old Minifigs

I am back here in the Duchy having enjoyed my wee trip to the Lakes. I am continuing to wargame with my regular opponents on a fortnightly basis and am gaming therefore more regularly and consistently than l have in years.The benefits of  retirement l suppose.
 In between are solo projects and here l need your help. I am looking for any old S range or other Minifigs  old Picts. The guys with bows and cloaks over their heads plus the guys with wee square shields and telegraph poles as spears etc ,cavalry too.. So bring out your lead and l will happily give you money for them. Have a rummage and help me out please. Thanks.

Tuesday 23 July 2019


I am enjoying a few days in the Lake District. Yesterday enjoyed having a wander around the Roman Fort at Ambleside. Today walked over Loughrigg, had a splendid scone and coffee in “Chester’s” in Skelwith bridge. After that l walked to the Windermere ferry via Skelwith Fold, Low Wray and the lakeside. It was through glorious country. Couldn’t help thinking that the area would make a super basis for an imagi nation or even historical gaming. While on the Fells a big RAF recon plane flew near and when on the lake a fighter appeared from no where and flew very low. Probably Kendal tomorrow...

Sunday 21 July 2019

Two novels

The first l encountered when a classmate of mine was reading it at a camp. I sort of read over his shoulder and nagged him to lend it to me when he had finished it. I borrowed the book, subsequently bought my own copy and the book and it remains a favourite.
The second l found in a second hand bookshop in the road where my place of employment was in my late teens. I didn’t like the job at all. Lunchtime was spent in a vile subterranean cave sorry lunchroom and often reading , as the more senior member of staff eating there liked to quietly read over his lunch. The Swann book brought some light, colour and warmth into lunchtimes and whimsy too. I still reread it again and again.

Saturday 20 July 2019


 I saw the moon landing on b&w tv. I was nine at the time. I still have the scrapbooks l compiled from the newspapers at the time. Sadly they are in an inaccessible place under the eaves, one day...

I queued round the block in Chambers Street with my father to see the moon rock/dust in the museum in Edinburgh. Here ,however,is a book l have kept on the bookshelves from around 1970. It was a Christmas present costing 12s or 60 N.P as the inside cover states. It was and is a favourite.

Friday 19 July 2019

Modelling inspiration...

Just found this Mordheim Instagram collection of fantastic modelling skills-
Not all the figures are to my taste but l am bowled over by the creativity and artistry on display. Amazing terrain too. Do pop over for a look.
P.s l wonder where the upbeat,quirky and non dark fantasy is to be found or is it just me?

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Battle! Practical Wargaming- a spotty camouflage question

My really productive gardening session was interrupted by rain this morning and l came inside. Over a cup of coffee l was reading Charles Grant’s splendid book as mentioned in the title of this post. It is an old favourite l come back to again and again. Today l spotted this picture on page 124-
I had forgotten about it and the figures shown in it. Some questions for you all-
1. Are the Airfix marines still available?
2. Does anyone know what colours are used in this camouflage pattern? Something at the back of my mind thinks  one was yellow.
3. Has anyone seen any other pictures of this army, if so,where?
4. Did Airfix magazine publish any conversion articles relating to this book or armies depicted within?

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Romans at Man of Tin

Mark has a really interesting ( nothing new there) post over at his blog-
It is about the splendid author Rosemary Sutcliff and other Roman hobby matters. I thought l would have a wee look around the house and see how many Sutcliff novels l have. They are shown below. If you have read Rosemary Sutcliff you’re in for a treat. If you know the “ Eagle of the Ninth” have a look at her other novels and short stories. Go on treat yourself.

Monday 15 July 2019

SPQR arrived

Pre order ( and two figure freebies) arrived today. Taking it outdoors for a first flick through with a cup of tea...
I will give you my first impressions later.

Sunday 14 July 2019

Warriors looked out awaiting the arrival of SPQR...

The warriors look on in amazement as the Druid shows off the trophies captured from the enemy. They cheer as the Eagle is raised aloft!
Meanwhile the warriors of Rome begin their journey to find the lost Eagle...

Monday 8 July 2019

Today’s game

It isn’t even 09:00 but the table is arranged and the forces arrayed. On the menu is American War of  Independence ( sans aircraft ha, ha) using shiny Minifigs and Muskets and Tomahawks. The gamers arrive in under two hours so time for coffee etc.

Friday 5 July 2019

Ski troops

Fascinating 1920s Pathe News clip of Norwegian ski troops training and doing drill on skis! Well worth a look.

Wednesday 3 July 2019


I am just back from Cornwall visiting my middle daughter with my youngest daughter ( who graduates tomorrow- congratulations Freya) and we enjoyed the trip tremendously. Highlights included the warmth ,scenery and sea. I had the pleasure of catching up with Mark , Man of Tin in person. for his thoughts on the meeting.
This was most enjoyable and we had a splendid wide ranging conversation.
Pendennis castle was fascinating with both a Henrician fort and WW 1 and 2 fortifications and guns. Credit to English Heritage who provide evocative and informative  interpretive displays. Some sort of   Tudor game is filed away in my mind along with ideas of 20mm Airfix with coastal defence set from my youth.
I also enjoyed a river trip towards Truro , Truro itself, the Eden Project and Porthleven. There is a super coffee shop there called “ Origins” with some of the best coffee and pastries l have had for ages. Also  a splendid burger place in Falmouth called  “ The Meat  Counter . “
I saw a pillbox in Porthleven protecting the harbour, most interesting. I wonder if readers of this blog could suggest reading for me about ww2 coastal craft warfare as l imagined those small vessels coming in and out harbours.
A great trip in lots of ways, just wish Scotland was a bit warmer.