Thursday 30 September 2021


 Took the train yesterday to Penzance. We then walked to Marazion and back. It was a lovely sunny day after the torrential rain of the day before. High tide precluded us from walking across the causeway to St Micheal’s Mount and energy from walking to St Hilary’s church. Next time…

In Penzance was this excellent example of public art as well as this sign in Cornish which caught my imagination. A good day.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Remnant of the Glory Days

 Saw this signage at Exeter Railway Station whilst travelling. A remnant of the GWR glory days-

Tuesday 28 September 2021

The Tamar crossed

 Having had a day of railway delays yesterday (single track line, fallen tree , bridge repairs and signalling ) I was glad finally to board a lovely green comfy GWR train and cross into Cornwall.

Sunday 26 September 2021

Woking 54mm Games Day

 A most enjoyable event , see for details. Here are some of my photos-  

Saturday 25 September 2021

Forever Autumn

 Currently in Woking for a 54mm games day with the Little Wars Revisited forum gamers. In Scotland one of the shows , Carronade, is on too. Held in Falkirk it is always a highlight in the gaming year. If you are going have a great time. Finally some street art from Woking which I particularly like-

Friday 24 September 2021

He’s got tents , he knows how to use them.

 My 1745 Hessians are back from the painter ( shout out to ) and I am most pleased with them. Three units of thirty men and some dismounted Hussars  ( looking forward to some conversations in Latin with the local innkeepers) and Dragoons. I want them to flourish here in 18th Century Scotland but it can be dreich and cold. What they need are some tents for them including a splendid command tent for Prince Frederick and his staff. Any suggestions for suitable, authentic 28mm tents for me to buy?

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Nights are drawing in…

 The nights are fair drawing in. I’m considering getting a daylight bulb to aid painting on dreich days. Does anyone use them and how do you find them?

Tuesday 21 September 2021

In barracks.

  Continuing to rest and I felt like reading this morning and am working my way through reading Duffy’s book on the ‘45. I have made notes on potential modelling ideas coming out it. Firstly there is a mention of the  MacGregors having a punt gun at the battle of Prestonpans. This would work well on the table top as a ultra light gun and make a splendid vignette. Secondly there is a mention of Highlanders carrying scythes in battle, like the ones in the Monmouth rebellion. Again modelling possibilities for a few figures in a mixed unit or separate sub unit. Also intrigued by the sailors present but no idea how to portray them in terms of 28mm figures.

The postman brought three parcels. Some old Robin Hood toy soldiers which I got for the Sheriff and Maid Marion. Secondly some Vendel Miniatures to add to my Middle Earth games and finally a book which I hope will feed  into civilian figures and possibly some gaming potentially too. 

Saturday 18 September 2021

Confined to barracks

 Out of the blue l have come down with cellulitis in my foot. I am taking my antibiotics, elevating my foot and trying unsuccessfully not to be a tad grumpy about it. 

Friday 17 September 2021

Coffee, lunch and an ostentation of peacocks

 The peacocks were out in force today as I met friends for coffee and lunch in the Glen today. One peacock came onto the terrace to the horror of a small dog who needed a great deal of reassurance. Later the peacock ruffled its feathers releasing quite a quantity of soil. For some reason I never imagined that they had dust baths like other species.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Jurek Putter , a wonderful illustrator

 If you enjoy history illustration, especially of the Renaissance period follow the link below

To see a documentary about the reconstruction of St Andrew’s in its glory days. 

Wednesday 15 September 2021

The game played

 The game was good fun and I was on the winning side thanks to some good dice throwing. The DBV rules worked very well. Here is a link to them

We have made house tweaks and amendments and they reflect dark age warfare well. Some pictures-

Tuesday 14 September 2021

The table is set...

 Last night I set up this scenery on the dining room table. It is is for a game today, the first non solo wargame played here since the beginning of 2020. A large scale skirmish in the dark ages is our game of choice, My opponents are due in a few hours, it is excellent yet odd too.


 Saw  these when in Edinburgh and Cowdenbeath recently...

Monday 13 September 2021

Bridge over iconic waters.

 Yesterday I decided to walk to South Queensferry. Not a vast walk but an enjoyable one. It involves walking across the Forth Bridge. My first port of call upon leaving Dunfermline was Rosyth. It is the only example of a Garden City in Scotland. I have included a photo taken there of a house and hedge. Having left Rosyth l was amazed to see a deer galloping across the motorway/dual carriageway between cars. It got safely back into cover. The Forth Road Bridge was very blustery but afforded beautiful views as ever. On my arrival in South Queensferry l waited for a bus to take me home. It was excellent walk.