Friday 25 October 2024

A week on

 Not too much achieved this week. I have been demented by eczema flaring and the Black Dog has come sniffing about. Nevertheless some progress has been made-

I have started to add planking to ziz up a mdf house bought made and cheap at a recent show. 
These fine fellows came from Col Bill and are already changed by wee but significant conversions in order to become a gang/team/ group for The Last War. 
I have following James Morris and his Midgard rules for ages. His creativity , output and talent is immense especially as l believe he very busy with Real Life . I have therefore preordered the aforementioned rules yesterday. They look beautifully presented and have much play testing behind them. The videos produced on them by the Lardies are well worth watching too.I found a bag of Ragnarok goblins waiting patiently to be used, well as patiently as goblins can manage. It is a mixed bag with some nocturnal goblin chaps in hoods etc.  Not terribly Tolkien but l will use them.
I looked out these armoured ones to have a wee go at, now that thorny question of goblin flesh tones…
So that’s it . Hope to take these forward in the coming days…

Friday 18 October 2024

Mark’s Little Soldiers and Brian’s rules- a winning combination

 Set up a games for the first time in ages-

Looking forward to playing it in the coming days..

Moving on up…

 My tidying has been successful and the wooden floor is mainly free of detritus. 

Wednesday saw me early for my class so l had a wander about and was taken by this war memorial near the Kelvingrove.

I looked out some of the skirmish rules l hope to try. I like to try and support smaller scale creatives and buy their rules, as well as those published by bigger companies 
The table is now cleared ready for a solo game, looking forward to it

One plan is to try these skirmish rules out-

using the fluff and visual aesthetics from these-

Had Covid and flu jabs yesterday so maybe having a quieter day today…

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Between the mess and the …

 There isn’t a huge lot of hobby progress to report. I started a small number of painting projects but they fell by the wayside. I have caught up with friends which was excellent and began to sort things-

I have been overwhelmed by piles of stuff that seem to build up like weeds choking my enthusiasm for the hobby and anything. So l bought some storage boxes and decided what was to be binned, what was to be stored away, what was to be kept at hand and what was to be worked on. Tidying under my painting desk has allowed me to store the figures there l want to work on in the coming months. They are at hand, to mind and are a manageable amount. Other things are put aside physically and mentally for another day. This has helped also to streamline my bedroom a bit which has made it a place on the way to becoming a positive relaxing environment. On other matters-

Excellent coffee etc at Soderberg in Edinburgh, highly recommended.
For football minded folk a fascinating banner at the back of the church in Edinburgh as part of their 250 year celebrations.
Can’t resist a wee house plant , especially those with fine , interesting leaves.
Just bought one of my favourite books as an audiobook. Well , well worth a listen to, or even a read.
Oh l nearly forgot to mention my plans re working on figures. Taking my 1790 Tradgardland project forward with a few units, vignettes etc ready for painting. Finishing off what needs to be done for my MLS collection from last year and looking at some skirmish solo gaming using a variety of rules. Some work on 54mm or 40mm figures.That’s the plan, if I stick to it great , if l don’t no worries, it is a hobby and meant to be fun.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Return of the Syldavian Chronicles!

 Great to see this blog active once more-

Apologies for not leaving a comment to welcome you back but Google isn’t allowing it!

Welcome back anyway and I look forward to reading more…

Monday 7 October 2024


 I am a fan of Vendel Miniatures, now known as Bloody Day, which are available only , these days, from across the Pond. I have a number of their fantasy Middle Earth figures which are hefty and charming. Many moons ago l got some sent across to me but I am wary about the price this would involve now. I am not paying an obscene amount to the Post Office etc , end of story.

Anyway last week l was browsing on EBay and I found there were some Vendel 16th century figures, unpainted, for sale. I was tempted as I have been thinking on and off for ages about getting a wee ( dining room sized army , not too small, not too big, just right) Scottish army to oppose the English 28mm army l was using on Friday. So I sent in an offer and won. These then arrived-

Infantry and cavalry bagged, arrived and enthusiastically opened.
Some painted over the weekend ready for basing.
A couple of good reads from the Ducal Library, well worth a look if you haven’t seen them.
My 16th Century forces each have a different character. The Old Irish with lots of skirmishers, fierce warriors backed up by kern snipers and mail clad, axe armed Gallowglass. The English with bow, shot and  bill . Finally now the Scots with loads of pikes, some artillery in field fortifications, a few highland warriors and some  light cavalry from the Scottish Borders. The Scots will be Pinkie rather than Flodden , 1540s rather than 15teens. 

Sunday 6 October 2024


 Friday saw the Old Irish out for another game-

Sadly one of the players had to go home as they were feeling unwell. Game abandoned.

Saturday saw me in Edinburgh to go on a tour of the Phoebe Traquair murals in song school at St Mary’s Cathedral. I have long wanted to see these and they certainly lived up to expectations-