This post l want to take a closer look at JR’s figures-
Here they are close up. I like the deceptively simple looking painting.
The figure on the left has had a repair done to his right shoulder using solder, which is visible.
A wire walking stick has been added to the figure on the left. Wonder if he is high ranking or not?
I believe JR named his figures and kept notes on their service careers ( I wonder if such records have been preserved by someone, I do hope so.) even allowing some to retire. My officer figures have names painted on their bases but the non officer figures do not ( see future post)Note some figures have been renamed, perhaps after being a casualty?
Finally I am intrigued by the arm band and collar on the above officer. Thoughts?
One last thing, I am wondering if I should varnish the figures to preserve John Ruddle’s painting? Can’t make up my mind if that is the way to go…