Monday 12 June 2017

Northish Westish 1885ish

Last summer my eldest and I painted some 54mm old Britains figures. She added detail and faces on them for me. Of late I have fancied giving them an opponent in the form of Metis and Indians- a vague 1885 North West Rebellion vibe if you like. With this in mind I have undercoated some Armies in Plastic Boers as a first step.Can anyone suggestion plastic Indian figures to use alongside them?


  1. Armies in Plastic again. Brits in Wolseley helmets, Indians in turbans and even Afghans!

  2. I fear l have misled folk,l should have said First Nations or Native Americans. I'm meaning 1885 in Canada .

  3. Still AIP than, with Barszo if you can find 'em.

  4. AIP do two sets of woodland Indians, they're cheap, available and particularly nice.

  5. I'm afraid woodland indians are almost as far off as Afghans.

    Look for US Plains Indians, the old Timpo ones work as would Deetail. I'm sure there are other, newer ones.
