The adventures of an 18th century imagination, located in Northern Europe formerly ruled over by joint rulers Duke Karl Frederick and Duchess Liv.Not to mention the American colony of Ny Tradgardland the 17th century Colony of New Tradgardstadt and the newly restored territory of the Shetland Isles. Featuring a supporting bill of gaming in a diversity of times,places and scales.Hopefully something to interest all who pop by...
Sunday, 24 June 2007
BAR - a brief explanation
I am sorry for adding another set of initials to those we already use - wab,wrg,dbm,dbmmm etc etc!
I would be interested to hear what others are doing re unit size and also peoples's experience of gaming with them.
Saturday, 23 June 2007
A despatch rider..........
After drying them out and getting the i shuffle to function I am starting to read them. They are well laid out,most interesting and inspiring. Now all remains is to decide upon unit sizes............
Proclamation nailed to every church door in the land
Two. Eternal peace has broken out with Hesses -engleberg. Three. The Duke is speaking to representitives of Gallia to make benefical agreements and treaties with them.
Written by the Postmaster General
God Save the Duke!
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Those summer nights-tell me more...............
In the pavillions of rose and sky blue the Duke and his family celebrate amidst fine silverware and the peacock uniforms of the high echleons of society.
The duke's eldest son-prince bishop of Roskilde and ambassador to the holy See has returned to try his hand at the boar targets. Alisona ,daughter of the duke, glides through the assembled throng, her mind full of princes and future happiness. Georg ,heir apparent,sits amongst cronies at the pavillion's awning. He is a stranger to duty and his father muses upon what will happen to the duchy under him. Years of foreign service in the army have left him dissolute and impatient with his lot. He too will try his skill at arms over the coming days.
The Duke's mind returns ever to the announcements he will make,the hope he will offer and the ever running sore that is the Ducal family. Liv,Duchess ,his one consolation,approaches and leads him out into the falling twilight. Karl Frederick surrenders to the welcome distractions and an oasis of silver drenched calm.
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Legend of the Golden Herring........

For that reason the Golden Herring appear at the very centre of Tradgardland iconography - orders of chivalry,regimental standards and everwhere one looks!
Saturday, 16 June 2007
Infantry Regiment 1
The Tradgardian Curaissers.......
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Moving forward...
I am wading thru documentation on Tradgardland's army especially the issues of recruitment and maintance. This involves the Duchy craft guilds taking responsibility for individual regiments and I will post when I have further details.
The templates available have encouraged me to post my uniform scheme very soon.
Saturday, 9 June 2007
more musterings..
Thursday, 7 June 2007
mustering musings
I am struggling with ideas of how to do standards. I have limited ability artisically. I know some of you have used Windows paint package - fantastic results may I add ! Any helpful hints very much appreciated.
I was really inspired by the detailed info on units and command personnel posted elsewhere. I think I will try such an approach myself
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
undercover of the night..........

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Karl Frederick today extends invitations to heads of state great and lesser to join him at the mustering of his Ducal army.Any wishing to declare Himself a friend of Tradgardland and ally against tyranny and opression should write with haste expessing friendship and intent in order to play their part upon the field of manoveur,the hall of banquets and in the chamber of The order of the Golden Herring. Those pledging themselves in everlasting concord may apply with sound reasons to be admitted to the said order to mutal benefit and joyous concord!
signed this day of June