Sunday 3 June 2007

Karl Frederick greets his fellow rulers

Amidst scenes of jubilation the Annual Seed Festival was celebrated in the gardens with the Ducal ceremonial planting of his new formal knotgarden accompanied by an open and generous extension to felicitous relationships with monarchs,dukes and the alike.His glorious Tradgardness awaits !


  1. Furst Bruno von Ursa of the Principality of Saxe-Bearstein has instructed me to welcome you to the society of 18th century nations.

    It is certainly his wish that our nations remain upon amicable terms with each other, as he wishes you nothing but the best.

    -- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein

  2. Your felicitations of welcome are most gracciously recieved. I too am certain of the multitudinous benefits of amicable relations built upon the twin pillers of good faitha nd the export of herring. The Duke replies through me his illustruous son and heir.

    Georg of tradgardland

  3. Georg,

    If you know anything of the history of Saxe-Bearstein, you must be aware that we most justly boast of the finest brewmasters in all of Europe and vintners who are almost as well-honored.

    What we do not have is access to the sea. Mind you, we do have some sea captains . . . of course, they've yet to see any salt water, but they do know their grog and their curses.

    Still, it might be wise to acquire our seafood from foreign sources rather than depending upon these two well-soused sea captains.

    -- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein

  4. Welcome to the {virtual} table,

    The Duchy of Mieczyslaw would be pleased to host the ambassadors from our Baltic neighbor.

    Trading thoughts, painting tips and the odd humerous limerick would be beneficial to both our lands, methinks.


    Marauders and;

  5. Chitlin's and Salivations!
    Glad to see regional autonomy being reinforced yet again.
    Have you ever considered the potential of a seafood sausage? Our craftsmen are quite ingenious and I am sure would be most happy to experiment with your product.
    However, I must advise you to be alert for products produced by Lord Cut-me-own-throat Dilbert ...
    Arthur on behalf of Hertshog Fahrtz ...

  6. Many thanks for the welcome may we all move forward in felicty and concorde together !
