Sunday 20 May 2012

Still waiting ...

I am still waiting for the figures which will form part of the new Duke's Court to arrive and be painted. I had hoped the post would have delivered them yesterday but he did not. In the interim I am posting pictures of the new figures for the Duchy. They are from Wittenberg. The Duke ( thanks once more Tidders!) has kindly sent his Ducal Band northwards to now be part of the Court in Tradgardland-
They are already the talk of polite society with their dashing uniforms and music fit for all occasions. It is hoped they will be playing at the first parade of the new Duke's reign soon...


  1. They are dashing uniforms there and I am sure that they will be at the first on the walk by for the new Duke.

  2. Now, that's what we don't just see enough of - bands! Definitely worth a morale boost on the table of war.

  3. A splendid sight - I hope the Court composer will be writing a suitable and martial piece - perhaps in the style of Frederick DG

  4. Very nice! (both the figures and Tidders sending them along to you)

  5. Splendid fellow there. Lets hope the postman comes up trumps this morning

  6. Could not you give the Duke (now deceased) a saving throw??/??????

    Maybe he was feigning death for some particular reason (see "Master of Ballantrae" for example).
