Thursday 9 July 2015

Baptism by fire,well almost

I was given Kelly kettle for  Christmas and decided to give it a go the other day in the garden-
I thought I had set a fire well with  paper & dried sticks collected by Jan and the girls in Falkland but to no avail.The second firing was little better- hotish water but not boiling. I will try again soon.
Up ,far too early, to a sunny Tradgardland. I decided to do some semi flats-
whilst listening to an excellent Radio 4 play "Miss Morison's Ghosts" on my  i pad on radio iplayer.
Oh why I'm here any thoughts on good renaissance wargames rules? I didn't like DBR ,am tempted to return to (inspite of fears re book keeping) George Gush's but am open to suggestions...


  1. Nice looking plates there - what is the title of the book?

  2. It is an Almark book form the early 1970s- "German Infantry 1914-1918" by D Nash. I got it as a boy and have kept it through moves and down sizing.

  3. It is an Almark book form the early 1970s- "German Infantry 1914-1918" by D Nash. I got it as a boy and have kept it through moves and down sizing.

  4. I remember using that Almark book to paint plastic Airfix figures many many moons ago ! , Tony

  5. We used to call them Volcanoes, just make sure the feed/air hole faces into the wind and keep feeding bit by bit for best results

  6. We use a set by Larry Brom called "The Sword and the Pike" ( ) for our Renaissance games. It is a variant of the venerable "The Sword and the Flame." You can see some reports on our group's old web site: . Just scroll down to the Medieval and Renaissance section.


  7. I've always loved Gush's rules. I played them last about 8 years ago (gosh, that long!). I don't have a Renaissance army right now, but I'd be tempted. I like Warlord Games' Pike & Shotte rules. They move quickly and can be a lot of fun.

  8. Kelly Kettles are the business! You will soon get the hang of it

    Regards, Chris.

  9. Don't give up on the Kelly kettle, the chap who has the next door plot to mine on the allotment uses one for his brew, and it works fine. My own prefered choice in this line is the 'Little Bug' - absolutely first rate and boils up my camping kettle toot sweet. Little Bug:
