Monday 29 April 2019

Ripe for conversion 2

Although shorter and less elongated my favourites are the Lone Star ones-
They have a lot of character about them compared to the Crescent ones such as the expressions on their faces and an intent in their marching, elite indeed.
I will probably leave them be and use as Guardsmen. The Crescent fellows will get replacement heads and be used as line infantrymen. The bandsmen are charming but not quite sure what to do with them. Any suggestions?


  1. It's always nice to have a band, even if to annoy your opponent (you could keep it on the table and make annoying musical sounds).
    How old are these figures? They look well-loved.

  2. I like your band suggestions, a plus two on morale dice thrown? I am not sure about the figures age, probably 1960s or 70s. Brian Carrick can you help us?

    1. Always glad to oblige, I had the Kelloggs bandsmen when I was six so that would date them to 1962, the Lone Star and Crescent figures were made a little before that.

  3. Lovely figures. I'd keep the band for Ceremonial duties - they'd make a fine display after a bit of TLC
