Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Stile Council

 This has been lying around the painting desk for years now I think. 

Never got round to it until now. A useful addition to games and quite pleasing to have it finished.
The stile taking centre stage in a wee vignette thrown together for the photos.
Wet and windy here, got soaked up town and am glad to be back home, probably for the rest of the year.

Currently enjoying  “ Die Kaiserin” on Netflix. A splendid romp through the life of Elizabeth of Austria. Great uniforms by the way.

The annual snowball fight


A guardsman bears the brunt of snowballs…
The dusk patrol is ambushed by soldier and civilian snowballers alike.
Leerie the lamplighter has a splendid view of the fun but watch out, you might be next.
Deer emerge from the forest to see what all the commotion is…
Click on this link to get some simple  and fun snowballing rules-


Go on give them a go over New Year!

Monday, 30 December 2024

A close look… 2 other ranks

 Some pictures of the other ranks-

I assume these to be conversions with Scottish heads added.
What period, I assume Boer War and lead up to WW1
Are the tartan trews and uniform based on any particular regiment?

Again charming figures who will fight on. I am moving towards varnishing as the way forward…

Sunday, 29 December 2024

A closer look at John Ruddle’s figures- Officers

 This post l want to take a closer look at JR’s figures-

Here they are close up. I like the deceptively simple looking painting.
The figure on the left has had a repair done to his right shoulder using solder, which is visible.
A wire walking stick has been added to the figure on the left. Wonder if he is high ranking or not?

I believe JR named his figures and kept notes on their service careers ( I wonder if such records have been preserved by someone, I do hope so.) even allowing some to retire. My officer figures have names painted on their bases but the non officer figures do not ( see future post)Note some figures have been renamed, perhaps after being a casualty?

Finally I am intrigued by the arm band and collar on the above officer. Thoughts?
One last thing, I am wondering if I should varnish the figures to preserve John Ruddle’s painting? Can’t make up my mind if that is the way to go…

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Winter manoeuvres with John Ruddle figures

 I set this up this morning. My JR figures out on manoeuvres between Christmas and New Year-

I do like a bit of toy soldier terrain in the form of sticks from the garden as fallen trees.
The newly bought river pieces work fine as a stream for 54mm figures.
Lemax walling and trees are great sources of toy soldier terrain .
Staff Officers here to watch the action from near and far.

I am going to post some close up of the figures later…

Friday, 27 December 2024

Gifts etc

 I was very pleased with my gifts this year-

I asked for an umbrella and got an excellent one from Morris and Co. The rest were delightful surprises apart from the German art one which l bought and Santa gave me.
The new coffee grinder drying off after use. An excellent piece of kit.
Finally , one of my John Ruddle figures has taken up sentry duty in the garden-

So far he has survived magpie, squirrel and cat attack and any other invaders. He awaits Spring and potential garden gaming. He seems pleased to be outside once more.

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Gift : thirty years on.

 Readers of this blog know l am currently working on a 1470s Holy Roman Empire army in 28mm for DBM. I often consult the book below for inspiration and information. It is probably one of my favourite books in my collection. I noticed the other day that l was given it thirty years ago yesterday!

Here it is in all its glory. Great text and visuals.
I’ve kept it safe through many a move. It came at a special time , my eldest’s first Christmas.
It was hard to source and expensive, particularly in those first married years. We didn’t do big presents but  Jan was keen for me to have it.
So thirty years and a day later, this morning l looked it up as l painted some light cavalry-
Embleton’s work still proves useful, provides inspiration as well as bringing back memories of a particular time and place.

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas to you and yours from The Duchy of Tradgardland!

And is it true?  And is it true,
This most tremendous tale of all,
Seen in a stained-glass window's hue,
A Baby in an ox's stall ?
The Maker of the stars and sea
Become a Child on earth for me ?

And is it true ?  For if it is,
No loving fingers tying strings
Around those tissued fripperies,
The sweet and silly Christmas things,
Bath salts and inexpensive scent
And hideous tie so kindly meant,

No love that in a family dwells,
No carolling in frosty air,
Nor all the steeple-shaking bells
Can with this single Truth compare -
That God was man in Palestine
And lives today in Bread and Wine.

From Christmas by John Betjeman

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Early Christmas Eve.

 I enjoy rising early, having a quiet breakfast then going through to the hobby corner. Working by the light of my hobby lamp ( everyone else is asleep or at work) all is dark inside and outside,I paint and wait for dawn to come. It is a chance to think too. The Solstice is past, days begin to lengthen.

The tree is done , the comestibles got and we are pretty organised. Yesterday Santa came early in the form of good news about a friend., which was terrific.

Soon I will get up , thinking of Christmas Eves of long ago and those of more recent times. This year we are at home on Christmas Day , first time for ages. It will be different but hopefully one all enjoy. Finally a poem

Noel: Christmas Eve, 1913 — Robert Bridges.
Pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.

A frosty Christmas Eve
   when the stars were shining
Fared I forth alone
   where westward falls the hill,
And from many a village
   in the water’d valley
Distant music reach’d me
   peals of bells a-ringing:
The constellated sounds
   ran sprinking on earth’s floor
As the dark vault above
   with stars was spangled o’er.

Then sped my thoughts to keep
   that first Christmas of all
When the shepherds watching 
   by their folds ere the dawn
Heard music in the fields
   and marvelling could not tell
Whether it were angels
   or the bright stars singing.

Now blessed be the tow’rs
   that crown England so fair
That stand up strong in prayer
   unto God for our souls:
Blessed be their founders
   (said I) an’ our country folk
Who are ringing for Christ
   in the belfries to-night
With arms lifted to clutch
   the rattling ropes that race
Into the dark above
   and the mad romping din.

But to me heard afar
   it was starry music
Angels’ song, comforting
   as the comfort of Christ
When he spake tenderly
   to his sorrowful flock:
The old words came to me
   by the riches of time
Mellow’d and transfigured
   as I stood on the hill
Heark’ning in the aspect
   of th’ eternal silence.

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Monday, 23 December 2024

Norway 1808

 This book arrived today and looks interesting. I was keen to see where Neil Thomas began his journey. I have set up a game with units of 4 figures or one gun. I decided to try out a Norwegian v Swedish battle. I was also keen to see what the river was like on the winter terrain, jury is out.

Norwegian line in red, light infantry in green, ski troops in blue and a unit of civilian volunteers on the far right flank in their winter dress. Swedes are in blue.

I hope to play a few turns in the next day or two…

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Midwinter in the Duchy

 Set out the permanent table this evening and am pleased with the look.

Friday, 20 December 2024

Table set- Norroway 1940

 The game begins- The German mission was to secure the crossroads.

German paratroopers dropped from aircraft or in this case 1inch square pieces of paper dropped on to the battlefield from a moving box.
Each piece of paper dropped had written on it which section and which figures it represented. Those landing on a wood diced for survival successfully. The figures have been carefully placed on their respective pice of paper.
The game begins and the German paratroopers find their respective NCO’s and equipment.
One German Section hid in a wood only to have a section of Norwegians move straight into them as the Norwegians entered the table. Firefight ensued.
Advancing Norwegians in their attempt to reclaim the cross roads help by the opposition.
German paratroopers take cover behind fences.
Messy table at end of game. The Norwegians had failed to take the crossroads in the allotted time.