Monday, 24 February 2025

Model Rail Scotland

 I went to a big model railway show in Glasgow at the weekend. It was held in the SECC. It was really interesting and I realise l go as much for the scenery as the trains. Not sure if that is an unusual perspective or not. Anyway some photos-

A free vintage bus collects folk at George Square, bound for the show.
A big show in a big venue.
I liked the boats and water on this one.
I am a sucker for alpine layouts.
Wonderful grimy layout with lovely corrugated iron church and myriad seagulls.

Alpine scenery at its very best. Most effective water.
Really liked the rocks in this one.
Kato trains from Japan were allowing children to make these for a very reasonable fee.
Really liked the Kato N and 009 stuff.
009 Society with lovely “pizza base” layout.
009 society bringing their modules together. They only do this at shows.
York station built to be viewed at eye level.

Engaging mini layout.
Model of paddle steamer Waverley on Waverley stand.
Further Kato/ Train Trax? Modules. I had a really interesting chat with the man on the stand and heard about how in Japan they cannot keep layouts up and have a system where they are modular or kept in a book sized box on the shelf or have cafes where you can pay to run your train on their layouts. Fascinating.

Lovely waterfall on tree trade stand.
Mr Kato , president of the company. Hands on and easy to talk to.
Liked the two d nature of the terrain and water too.
Nice industrial buildings too.
Terrain on a vast scale , quite overpowering.
Further view of the vast terrain set up. Must have had a lorry…
Charming scene and lovely locomotive.
My favourite trade stand , including the ever tempting Cliff lifts and lots of people, animals and bits n bobs.
Then it was time to board the bus back, a grand day out if ever there was one…

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Friday’s game : Norway 1940

 I was hosting yesterday. I chose to organise another Bolt Action game to help learn the rules. This time l added additional troop types- a tank, a forward artillery observer and accompanying off table barrage and a light howitzer. We are getting used to the rules but get mixed up at times with the previous set we used. The forces were Norwegian v German.

The battlefield set up. Still using the wee table option.
The Norwegian set up . They consisted of HQ, medic, MMG, light howitzer, three sections and a Norwegian Guard section.
The German set up. Panzer 1, MMG ,light mortar, HQ, Medic and three sections of paratroopers.
The table during a break for coffee and food.
The result of the off table barrage called in- tank destroyed and infantry killed.
Pinned ( shown by red dice) light mortar and infantry advancing from behind cover.
The Norwegians advancing.
All in all a good game was had which resulted in a Norwegian victory as well as improved knowledge of the rules. We will return to this period again soon. 

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Black Dog , down ( and out, for now)

 I have recently had my hands full with an unwelcome guest in the form of the Black Dog. He has been incredibly attentive and l thought he was never going to leave. Thankfully he has just gone a day or so ago and has left me exhausted ( but very relieved) after his visit. I was taken aback by just how attentive he was and hope he is off elsewhere for ages!

I worked on some 1940 Norwegians as an attempted distraction which worked not really at all but has moved my wee bolt action force forward a tad. 

Yesterday saw me in Glasgow for my weekly class. On the way l took these photos of a demolished hospital near the University and the chapel building that was kept. I also photographed some of photos put on the hoarding round the demolition site-

A little online research tells us more of the site-

Friday, 14 February 2025

Today’s game - Hold the telephone exchange, England 1940


Today’s game was using the above rules and campaign guide extra rules
The table set up ready for the arrival of the Homeguard and German commanders
Note Telephone exchange building beside the telephone box.

Some pictures of the game-

Homeguard sections, bicycle mounted section and mmg hold the Exchange.
They were aided by a Smith gun and further section.
German paratroopers and mountain troops approaching the vicinity of the Exchange.
Homeguard take heavy casualties. Red dice shows the numbers of pins inflicted on the unit.
Order dice deployed, less visually annoying than the big playing cards were.
The Homeguard commander looks on as the Germans move and fire.
Close up of German troops.
The table at the end of the game. Having taken heavy losses the Homeguard commander admitted defeat.
Fun game to umpire and generally chivvy people along.