Saturday, 22 February 2025

Friday’s game : Norway 1940

 I was hosting yesterday. I chose to organise another Bolt Action game to help learn the rules. This time l added additional troop types- a tank, a forward artillery observer and accompanying off table barrage and a light howitzer. We are getting used to the rules but get mixed up at times with the previous set we used. The forces were Norwegian v German.

The battlefield set up. Still using the wee table option.
The Norwegian set up . They consisted of HQ, medic, MMG, light howitzer, three sections and a Norwegian Guard section.
The German set up. Panzer 1, MMG ,light mortar, HQ, Medic and three sections of paratroopers.
The table during a break for coffee and food.
The result of the off table barrage called in- tank destroyed and infantry killed.
Pinned ( shown by red dice) light mortar and infantry advancing from behind cover.
The Norwegians advancing.
All in all a good game was had which resulted in a Norwegian victory as well as improved knowledge of the rules. We will return to this period again soon. 


  1. Very interesting setup, game and AAR.
    The Germans only used light Panzers in Norway (like I and II), because Norway didn't have any tanks, armoured vehicles or anti-tank guns.
    Thanks for sharing Alan!

  2. An interesting theatre of war. Pity the best photo of the tank is upside down. Snow terrain is always a nice touch. Did the medics make a contribution?

  3. Getting good use from the 1940 figures and terrain - what a difference a white cloth makes.
