Tuesday, 11 February 2025


 There is a really nice man who l meet at extended family gatherings like funerals and weddings. He is married to one of my late wife’s cousins. As well as being really nice( it is 06:18 and l can’t think of a better word, apologies) he is also really interesting to talk to . He has written articles and books on the history of football and is full of fascinating facts and anecdotes.

Anyway Sunday saw me tired and at a loose end on my own in the house, so l flicked channels and started watching “ The English Game” on Netflix about the history of football’s earliest days. I was hooked. The football stuff was fascinating and the rest a little less so. Here is a Guardian review-


And the BBC


Probably the visit to the retro football shop in Madrid put me in a receptive mood. I have read quite a bit of cricket related sports history books on and off for years and have a life long interest in Rugby League which l put down to having a lovely uncle who was a keen St Helen’s fan , not to mention watching RL on the telly on Saturday afternoons with my dad and the wonderful Eddie Waring commentary!

So I will carry on watching the aforementioned series and think l shall investigate reading round the subject once my Spanish modern history book is finished.


  1. Yeah, the English Game is quite interesting actually - particularly how the "mill owner" Oop North imports a couple of professionals from Scotland, to help overcome the gentlemen amateurs of the English teams. Some of the background drama is a bit Downton Abbey - but I don't actually mind that kind of thing anyway (probably from watching the original "Upstairs, Downstairs" on TV with my family in my distant youth!)

  2. So what are the chances of me getting you to support Inverness Caledonian Thistle???!!!
