The adventures of an 18th century imagination, located in Northern Europe formerly ruled over by joint rulers Duke Karl Frederick and Duchess Liv.Not to mention the American colony of Ny Tradgardland the 17th century Colony of New Tradgardstadt and the newly restored territory of the Shetland Isles. Featuring a supporting bill of gaming in a diversity of times,places and scales.Hopefully something to interest all who pop by...
Sunday, 24 February 2008
The courier leaves and returns from whence he came.
Saturday, 23 February 2008
A courier is recieved....
Friday, 22 February 2008
O lucky Man !

I am rather excited to say the least. I will not be at school next week, in my usual classroom. Instead I will begin a five day placement with the Royal College of Surgeons ,Edinbugh, to work as part of a team creating educational materials and activities for primary and secondary aged children to use in conjunction with the museum there. The photo is of the magnificent Playfair building I will be working in. It is a fantastic opportunity and I am most grateful to my boss for letting me go. It contains displays of military surgery through the years and much ,much more! Roll on Monday .....

Late,in the still hours between the night and morning, Karl Frederick is awake. He is preparing an agenda for the next Inner Council meeting. He mulls over in his mind the situation in Shetland, the imprisonment of Alisona and other matters pertaining to relations between the family of Europa and the Duchy. These matters will have to discussed and he is sure of the fact that such discussions will be fraught.
Domestic matters weigh upon him too. How will the Inner Council accept the presence of the Duchess at meetings? As c0-ruler her place is by right upon the Council. Administrative burdens will take up much of the meeting . Still it must be accomplished.Karl Frederick finishes his draught, blows out the candle and lies shivering until dawn creeps upon the Duchy.
Vive La France?

Sunday, 10 February 2008
A letter from Shetland...

Thursday, 7 February 2008
Council venue

The Inner Council of the Duchy will meet soon for one of its monthly meetings. It consists of those who are the closest advisors to Duke Karl Frederick. Meetings are held behind locked doors ,with an armed guard stationed outwith. The venue of choice is an old,brightly painted inn called "The Seventh Seal."
Legend tells, that in centuries gone by, a noble Tradgardian knight was often seen playing chess in the back parlour with a palid man dressed in black.The legend is reflected upon the sign swinging in the wind this cold February day. The inn is the favourite haunt of that hero of the Duchy Von Bergmann
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Ash Wednesday

The mist has cleared and the Sun begins to shine over the winter topiary garden. Today is Ash Wednesday and all will remember that they came from dust and will return to dust.
The gardeners remember that the season of cultivation will proceed soon -for the Duchy is known for its gardens and skill in the growing and maintaining of plants exotic and mundane.
This season of Lent the subjects of the Duke will attempt communally and individually to grow a good crop in their wintery hearts so they might more worthily celebrate the great feast of Easter.
Monday, 4 February 2008
Duc de Padirac

In his library the Duke de Padirac is thumbing through his copy of the memories of the Marshall de Saxe . The well thumbed copy has been carefully anotated by the Duc and, in the margins diagrams abound.
The Duc is considering what part of the legion to raise next and is looking for uniform inspiration from his friend L'abbe Volarii who will be the Legion's chaplin. Volarii has attached himself to the Ducal household of De Padirac as private chaplain and tutor to the Ducal triplets . The Duchess de Padirac is drawing the designs for the uniforms and currently is engaged in embroidering the legion's banner with symbols fitting to her husband's interest and pursuits.
Saturday, 2 February 2008
The Ducal Society
At the now Weekly gathering of the Ducal Society all eyes were upon the body recently found in boggy, peaty land not far from the Ducal Capital. The gentlemen were unable to ascertain its age but agreement prevailed as to the corpse being not of the current age. The artifacts found nearby were the subject of lively debate as to useage and provenence. The Duc de Padirac, one of the company with much prior knowledge, felt that all eyes were upon a remote ancestor. The evening ended in convivial sharing of tobacco and ale prior to ajourment at a late hour.