The adventures of an 18th century imagination, located in Northern Europe formerly ruled over by joint rulers Duke Karl Frederick and Duchess Liv.Not to mention the American colony of Ny Tradgardland the 17th century Colony of New Tradgardstadt and the newly restored territory of the Shetland Isles. Featuring a supporting bill of gaming in a diversity of times,places and scales.Hopefully something to interest all who pop by...
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Good news..
It is good to go to shows,perhaps converse with others and generally see what inspiring things/games are on offer - food for the wargaming soul and mind... So only six days to go!
It has been interesting to imagine what the Duchy would be doing at the start of the 20th Century. I have started writing some ideas/storyline as a file on the Funnylittlewars yahoo group. We shall see where it goes...
Enjoy the rest of the Weekend one and all !
Thursday, 23 October 2008
True colours shining 2
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
True Colours shining...
Monday, 20 October 2008
In the Country

It is a week now since the mysterious Wurm left Tradgardland. It was last seen flying away over the forest having been encouraged upon its way by a battery of field pieces...
Duke Karl Frederick and his Duchess Liv are residing in the forest for a few days away from the pressing matters of State. Their time is spent in a simple hunting lodge ,far from other dwelling places. They will read ,walk and hear Mass said by the Ducal domestic chaplain.
The season of fruitfulness and mists is upon the Duchy and all bask in the last few days of sunshine before the Dark days and evenings prevail...
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Wargaming :home and away...
Saturday, 11 October 2008
The Weekend
I have been putting quite an effort into researching the history of the Duchy of Tradgardland of late . I hope to post some translations from the official history of the Duchy which was compiled in the early years of the 20th century. The multi-volumed work brought together myriad sources and produced something of a classic. Watch this space...
Saturday, 4 October 2008
A new venture...
Join me for my new foray into the 18th century:
I hope you will enjoy it as it unfolds