The adventures of an 18th century imagination, located in Northern Europe formerly ruled over by joint rulers Duke Karl Frederick and Duchess Liv.Not to mention the American colony of Ny Tradgardland the 17th century Colony of New Tradgardstadt and the newly restored territory of the Shetland Isles. Featuring a supporting bill of gaming in a diversity of times,places and scales.Hopefully something to interest all who pop by...
Friday, 26 December 2008
On the painting table...
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Merry Christmas
The Duke and Duchess of Tradgardland and Alisona extend Christmas Greetings to one and all this Season. May you all have a fantastic time wherever you are...
Our thoughts are with our people in Ny Tradgardland, the Shetlands and especially with Von Bergman and the Duc de Padirac in Scotland.
To all Rulers of Imaginations everywhere may you continue to rule well and provide for your households a Season to remember...
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Building Plans...

The Duchy of Tradgardland potteries appear to have made a mistake with the date upon this plate- it of course ,should have read 1758...
It portrays well the Capital -including the signature Tradgarlander church ( found in every community big or small)with external staircase for the militia to use as an observation post.
One of the tasks I set myself this holiday ( once the coldy/fluy symptoms have finally left me and mine) was to build some typical Tradgardland buildings using the Grant/Stokes methodology. I want to have a go at one of these churches very much - since I saw a similar one in Denmark when I last visited there some years ago!
Anyway I shall give it a go - if the results are at all pleasing I will post photos. Any advice for the making of the external stairs/ balcony ( see photo on my Blog page for an example of such a church) would be most appreciated! I hope this finds you all moving forwards well to a well-earned break!
Monday, 22 December 2008

It has been a busy few days. Jan and I are still under the weather with fluy colds and my eldest is off to the doc today with earache!
We have had a hectic time preparing for a family gathering here yesterday . It all went swimmingly . On Saturday we decked the halls and put up the tree plus shopping. The soiree day itself was hectic but fun. I even organised a quiz which was appreciated by all. Jan produced a lovely meal for all.
As I write Anna is cutting and sticking together for me some lovely chance cards sent to me by Stokes- thanks Stokes!. I hope to get some cardboard houses begun to go with my resin Vauban fortifications in 25mm. The arrival of the Wargame companion @Christmas will further inspire me further. Santa will bring a few Minifigs companies for my imaginations too...
I am interested in seeing Bluebear Jeff is tempted by the Old School look having been inspired by Stokes. I do hope Jeff does go for it. I am starting with some batts but also some company sized units too. Build up slowly is the way I am going. So it will be a Charge inspired Christmas for me - maybe a wee game by the New Year - we shall see. I hope you are all well and preparing for the Season and for some R and R too!!
Thursday, 18 December 2008
It was the first full-length film in Sami, and it was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1988. It was written and directed by Nils Gaup. Nils-Aslak Valkeapää played one of the parts as well as writing the music to the film, together with Kjetil Bjerkestrand and Marius Müller.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Anna came home with early presents for the family- a 2d and a 3d Gingerbread house! Both were made of clay ,fired and decorated. I think they are fantastic...
The 3d one can have a candle in it . Whilst passing thru the German market last week I had admired wee houses which one could put a nightlight in. I resisted their charms and am very glad I did so. They were not a patch on Anna's one. I feel they would be excellent scenery for Jim Purky's Teddy Bear armies...
To complete the day my youngest brought home a lovely greenery table centre- pictures of it and the tree to follow.
Monday, 15 December 2008
As he surveys the congregation in church he sees a sea of Rose as he sees Militia officers,men ( resplendent in their uniforms ) and their families gathered here. He feels once more the deep pride he has in his vocation as leader,nay father under God, to the good people of Tradgardland.
After Mass the Ducal Cavalry escort him and his family back to the Palace where they will recieve guests from near and far at a reception for members of the Ducal Society.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Thursday, 11 December 2008
General Mackay

General Mackay has been busy all day drilling his new troops. They have been hand picked from the Tradgardlander Militia and are gathered at the artillery camp. Mackay realises that the coming months will see a threat emerging from the Saschen-Vindow army...
MacKay , a traditionalist by nature and principle, makes sure the men are well acquainted with the arcane drill associated with throwing of grenades. They will become an elite within the Duchy and are to be paid from the Duke's personal gold inherited from his father - a product of plunder upon the field of Mars....
Note to the reader: these figures are currently in the process of painting and I hope to move them forward well this weekend...
Monday, 8 December 2008
At the weekend I was reorganising things for a Charge solo project I am planning. Here is a Tradgardland Militia unit. I wonder if Vonn Bergmann and the duc de Tradgardland and his troops will be home from Scotland soon? I am happy for them to be there if they are needed to fight for bonnie Prince Charlie.
I hope to raise a Tradgardlander Cavalry unit sooner or later...
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
One to Watch...

If I can recommend one film to get hold of on dvd these cold , freezing winter nights may I humbly suggest you seek out "Fanny and Alexander" by Ingmar Bergman. I cannot do it justice in a few words save to say that it makes one laugh, cry and everything in between. The scenes of a 19th century Swedish Christmas Eve are magical and unforgettable . Go on give it a try and let me know what you think. It's my favourite film and perhaps it will become yours too...
Monday, 1 December 2008

As the Duke looked out into night sky he observed the passing of a previously unrecorded comet . He mused upon how the ancients saw them as heralds of joy or deep sorrow...
His reverie was interrupted by a sealed letter being placed upon the nearby table. He opened it and read of the events earlier that day in neighbouring Saschen- Vindow . He sighed audibly realising that all hope of peace had been broken upon the wheel that very day...