Sunday 5 January 2014

12th Night

Time has accelerated in the last few days towards my return to work.We have had an enjoyable time including walks and coffee out.Yesterday the post man delivered this second hand book-
It is an architectural history of glass houses filled with fascinating facts and inspiring drawings.I would like to add an orangery to the Duchy of Tradgardland.I have found some illustrations that give the feel of what I wish to do-

With doing the necessities of life too there has been brief periods only to start construction.My first card effort was ugly and too big. I will start again soon.A few 18th century civilians are proceeding including Duke Demtri of the Grand Duchy of Nikolai. Some figure to work in the orangery are being painted too.I am still deciding how to depict the trees.Railway scenery can be so expensive so do you have any ideas?

Today I have finally found a time to go to see The Desolation of  Smaug.Tickets bought we await it with keen anticipation...

1 comment:

  1. For the trees, how about polysterene balls (craft shop should have them)on sticks in square pots, or even miniature flower pots from the garden centre?
