Sunday 6 May 2018


The Duke of Tradgardland is walking in his topiary garden when he encounters Father Lacey-Cotta who is staying nearby.The gentlemen exchange pleasantries and converse briefly upon the bosco nearby. Strange music has been heard in the trees at dusk.


  1. Beware! They look like listening trees or skilfully camouflaged enemies of the Duchy. :)

  2. May I compliment the Duke on his peruke? A splendid edifice. Perhaps Pan is abroad and making the music.

  3. Intriguing.. Where are you going with this?

  4. Very nice - Dukes wig is great - its rather large, is that why he is carrying his hat ?

    Topiary garden - great idea - the Wittenberg palace gardener is trying keep the news of this from the ears of the King - otherwise he expects to be told to make a topiary lama or some other exotic form :)
