Thursday 13 September 2018

Painting advice please...

I bought these superbly painted figures from their painter Jim Duncan last year-

I quite fancy having a go at painting some opposition for them but have no idea how to replicate such painting. I am therefore looking for some advice/ tips about where to start. For example can you line them with a pen? All help gratefully received.


  1. It may be possible to use a pen of some form. I use a Black Micron Pen, Waterproof/Fade Resistant, 0.30mm Point - for doing a small amount of lining detail; also possible may be a fine Rotring ink pen.

  2. I use the black Micron pen as well. Same characteristics as above.

  3. I would have thought it was easier to work from a black undercoat; they look as if that's how they were painted.
    You don't need to go to the lengths Kevin Dallymore does; all it requires is neatness. Simply paint coat etc but leave a black line between the sleeve and cuffs or coat and lapel for example. The trick is to leave some black showing between the different areas. You may need a second coat with some colours, such as yellow, but generally just remember the black will tone down the colour. However if you use acrylics, they tend to be brighter straight from the pot, so if you normally tone them down, don't bother if using black undercoat. They main problem is being able to read the detail. If you are struggling, try a light drybrush with grey to bring it out.

  4. Alan

    Bear in mind that my memory of several decades ago will be a bit patchy.

    These figures were probably painted with Humbrol enamels starting with a white undercoat. The main body of colour will have been block painted using a fairly large brush followed by patches of shading using a finer brush.

    Some of the black lining will have been applied with a fine brush and some will have been with a Rotring pen.

    These days I would use acrylic paints and a lining pen such as those made by Mitsubishi Pen Co., 0.2 and 0.5.

    It will be interesting to see what you can come up with.


  5. Hi Alan,
    Plenty of good tips above.

    As an alternative, please have a look at my 28mm Italians over on my little wargame blog. I did the shading and what lining there is with a fine brush and thinned down paint and washes of black and greys. I just wanted enough to shade the white, without being too much.

