Saturday 25 May 2019

A commission

Sometimes a uniform really appeals to us wargamers and collectors. Maybe it is the colour or the design or something else. For me it was the Swedish fm/06 test uniform  of 1906 and how it harks back to the Swedish army of Karl Xll. The tricorn especially is splendid. So l commissioned Ian Kay of Irregular Miniatures to make me one in 54mm . I am delighted with his work.


  1. Bravo! Very original, what size are they?

  2. Very nice. The illustration is too.

  3. I like the choice of subject. Ian has done a stellar job.

  4. Nice one, I wonder if Ian can be persuaded to do some 1864 Danes.

  5. Excellent!
    Interesting to see tricornes in the 20th century. Even the way the coats are turned back is reminiscent of the earlier tricorne period.
