Sunday 21 January 2024

That was the half week that was.

 My hand has responded well to the antibiotics so far, might need another course but reviewing things in the coming days. I might try a little hobby stuff later today. Otherwise-

Yesterday saw Ronnie and I at a day of talks lain on by the folk at
A interesting mix of speakers ensured that there was much to think about and much to talk about too. Lots to look up . I was particularly taken by a talk by an archaeologist on Falkirk in 1746 and one by Hugh Cheape on Gaelic poetry and culture as examples of other views and voices on the battle of Falkirk Muir.
Friday saw me beginning to come to grips with the new ACW rules we are using. They are beginning to fall into place giving an enjoyable experience with less chat. They could definitely be a way forward for the gaming of the period.
Wednesday Thursday saw me doing not a lot. I really enjoyed discovering/rediscovering , can’t recall which , some episodes of the ITV Hornblower series from way back when. A particularly enjoyable episode involved invading France with French Royalists and British Redcoats. Fun to watch , and an enjoyable way to spend time when under the weather.


  1. The Falkirk project looks interesting and only 22 years to get organised until the Tercentenary ...
    I remember seeing adverts for snaggle toothed, long haired, rough or odd looking extras (male and female) as sailors and civilians for Hornblower when an episode was being filmed around the Fal River in Cornwall. Did not apply ...

    1. An opportunity missed Mark, imho.😊
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Ah ha! I read this as I watch an episode of Hornblower (S1E2, Examination for Lieutenant).
    The Falkirk talks sound interesting.

    1. Great minds think alike. An excellent episode. It was most interesting, some talks more than others but well worth attending.
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. A good episode, both the original print chapter and the tv episode. It was the inspiration for one of the wargames I staged last year.

    1. My father was a big C.S.F fan and had all his novels. I read one as a boy but wasn’t too taken by it. I might give them a try now…
      Alan Tradgardland

  4. A splendid day indeed, Alan.
    Hoping that the follow up comes off!

    1. It was, ditto!
      Alan Tradgardland

  5. Well, Alan I hope both you and Ronnie will have a lot to share with us for the next episode of the VWC. And anytime one can invade France, it's a Good Day. Trying to decide about buying into SAGA. Your thoughts would be most useful.


  6. It was a good day. I particularly enjoyed the talk on Falkirk 1746 as I had lived for a year in town and am quite fond of it, knowing it well. The other particularly interesting talk was about different perspectives on the battle and got me thinking about the highlanders who did not come out for Bonnie Prince Charlie. The whole Gaelic culture vibe is really interesting. Btw we took the opportunity to tell someone sitting beside us about the Hessians ( news to him) and recommended Duffy’s book on them.
    Alan Tradgardland

  7. Regarding Saga l have never played it so can’t comment. Ask the VWC guys , Graeme has played it definitely, not sure about the others…
    Alan Tradgardland
